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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn


Year 6 - Owls Researching as a team using our 'concentric circles' technique.

Year 6 - Owls enjoying a drama session depicting the life of Nelson Mandela.

Year 6 enjoying our reading session after lunch. Lucas would recommend this book!

Year 6 - Owls - Reading winners for Autumn Term. These children have worked so hard and made the most progress in reading this term. Keep it up everyone!

In year 4 we used drama strategies to explore the story of Theseus and the Minotaur.

Year 5 English - Creating a Storyboard to help us plan and write our 'Beowulf vs Grendel' narrative!

Year 5 English - Using our Rainbow Grammar cards to help us plan our direct speech in our 'Journey to Jo'burg' narrative

Year 5 English - Drama roleplay of what our protagonist's and villian's characteristics are like

Year 4 journalists investigating a mysterious outbreak of Graffiti. Could it be Scribbleboy? 

Year 3 practicing 3 predicate sentences on Rainbow Grammar cards.

Year 3 practicing non- finite clause with Rainbow Grammar cards.

Year 3 drama before writing our biography of Septimius Severus.
