English Home Learning
Autumn 2
Have a look at the below web page to watch some info-videos on biographies and to explore an example of a Stephen Hawking biography.
Exploring biographies - English - Learning with BBC Bitesize
Spelling and grammar
Expand your understanding of verb and adjective suffixes with the below 12 lessons.
English, primary, Year 4 - Lesson listing | Oak National Academy
Autumn 1
Work through these videos to deepen your understanding of how to create a non-chronological report.
Writing a non- chronological report - English - Learning with BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize
Follow these Oak Academy lessons to help support your learning of Spelling and Grammar.
There are 10 units for you to work through.
English, primary, Year 4 - Unit listing | Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)
BBC Bitesize Learning
Spelling - Year 4 Spelling - Year 4 English - BBC Bitesize
Prefixes and Suffixes - Year 4 Prefixes and suffixes - Year 4 English - BBC Bitesize
Punctuation - Year 4 Punctuation - Year 4 English - BBC Bitesize