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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn


In year four, we completed our White Rose chapter on length and perimeter and all worked really hard to show our new skills on our assessment papers.

Year 5 - practising our 'fractions of amounts' by playing Treasure Hunt!

NSPCC TTRS Class Winners were... OTTERS!

NSPCC Number day in year 4! We practiced our times tables by producing our Product Petal garden display and then loved our TT Rockstar session in the afternoon!

7.2.25 "TT20 WINNERS" with 100% class completion are the... OWLS & RABBITS!

Otters taking part in the NSPCC Rocks National Schools Competition!

The Eagles working hard on their NSPCC ROCKS challenge on TTRS.

Baking Club - We have been learning how to accuarately measure ingredients in order to make scrummy chocolate cookies!

31.1.25 "TT20 WINNERS" with 96% class completion this week are the... OWLS, EAGLES, OTTERS, RABBITS & FOXES!

Year 6 Maths - Our pupil teachers showing us how to understand algebraic equations!

Year 6 Maths - Look at the fantastic Eagles writing algebraic expressions for the very first time!

24.1.25 "TT20 WINNERS" with 100% class completion this week are the... FOXES, OWLS & OTTERS!

Year 3 - Practising our multiplication and division facts on Times Table Rockstars!

17.1.25 "TT20 WINNERS" with 100% class completion this week are the... FOXES & OWLS!

Year 6 Maths - Owls using multi-links and base ten to show algebraic expressions.

Year 4 - Using counters and our place value chart to help us learn multiplying 3-digit numbers by 1-digit

Year 5 Art (Geometry)

Year 6 Science - Using venn diagrams to sort vertebrates.

10.1.25 "TT20 WINNERS" with 100% class completion this week are the... OWLS, OTTERS & BADGERS!

Year 5 Maths

Year 4 Maths

Year 5 Design & Technology (Measuring)

Year 3 - Can we see any patterns in our 8 times table using a 100 square?

13.12.24 "TT20 WINNERS" with 100% completion this week are the... BADGERS, RABBITS, OWLS & OTTERS!

Year 5 Maths

Year 3 Maths
