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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn


Responding to a Child's Disclosure of Abuse | NSPCC Learning

Our animation shows you how to respond when a child tells you about experiencing abuse. Visit NSPCC Learning for more information and resources It is crucial that adults who work with children are able to respond supportively in the moment a child chooses to disclose, and to interact and communicate in a way that helps children feel listened to.

What is private fostering?

This video from Bracknell Council describes a private fostering arrangement. If you think a child is living in this arrangement please speak to a DSL so we can ensure the child is supported correctly.
The number on the video is for Bracknell not Derbyshire, If you need to contact Derbyshire, please phone 01629 533190

The Attachment Theory: How Childhood Affects Life

The attachment theory argues that a strong emotional and physical bond to one primary caregiver in our first years of life is critical to our development. If our bonding is strong and we are securely attached, then we feel safe to explore the world. If our bond is weak, we feel insecurely attached.
