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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Spring Term 2023

Spring 2

We will continue to develop and recap our reading skills this half term, initially focusing on multiple choice questions and summarizing. To begin our English topic for this half term, we will be looking at our new key topic book; The Goldfish Boy. From this, we will be creating our own letters to one of the key characters within the book. We will be learning how to use letter writing features, as well as revisiting the use of relative clauses, fronted adverbials and looking at how to create effective cohesion throughout a paragraph. We will then move on to Newspaper report writing. Within this, we will consolidate our learning of using reported speech.

This term we will begin to read our class reader ‘The Goldfish Boy’. We know the children will love this text and we're excited to get started. 


Spring 1


Our reading focus this term is True or False. We will recap these skills and use them in larger texts to answer a variety of true or false questions, expanding these to detailed questions.

To begin our English topic for this half term, we will be looking at character descriptions. We will be learning how to use non-finite clauses and recapping how to use a variety of adverbials to add describe. We will also be focusing on how to use commas accurately to avoid ambiguity in our writing. We will then move on to story writing. We will be following the Monster story recipe which will help us to understand how to build an effective monster story. Within this, we will also be recapping how to punctuate direct speech to improve the quality of our story.

This term we will begin to read our class reader ‘Beowulf’. We will use different versions of the text to help spark our imagination of the mythical character.
