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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Autumn term 1


Maths at Woodbridge Junior School follows the Maths No Problem Textbooks – This term we are focusing on developing our understanding of place values specifically looking at numbers to a million. In the first unit of Year 6, we will consolidate prior knowledge of place value, working with numbers between 100,000 to 1 000 000. We will be using concrete materials such as base ten and place value charts to help represent numbers. As we progress through the chapter we will develop our knowledge of place value, working with numbers between 1 000 000 and 10 000 000 using number discs, numerals and words. We will be learning how to use an abacus to deepen and extend our sense of number and place value. We will then be learning how to round and compare numbers to 10 000 000, followed by placing them in order from smallest to greatest.  



Our reading focus this term is skimming and scanning. We will recap these skills and use them in larger texts to gain a deeper understanding of the text and answer questions using evidence gathered.

To begin our English topics this term we will look at non-chronological reports. We will explore the genre identifying the key features and using them to write our own non-chronological report on our class animal.

Later in the term we will begin to read our class reader ‘The Extraordinary colours of Auden Dare’. We will use this text to develop our skimming and scanning skills as well as identify features of a narrative. We will use our Rainbow Grammar lessons to improve our writing skills and thus write our own narrative based on the story read.



Our topic question this term is ‘Does pollution effect evolution?’ During this topic we will be learning about significant individuals and their contribution towards reversing the signs of climate change. We will explore and research the damaging effects plastic and pollution has on the environment and the impact it has currently and for our future. As our research continues we will delve into the reasons many animals are endangered or extinct. To find out about how and why animals are becoming extinct we will be using our geographical skills to locate countries and their human geographical features. This will help us gather an understanding of their climate change footprint and what the country needs to do to help the wildlife. We will conclude our findings in a ‘David Attenborough’ style documentary which will be aired on the website ‘Woodbridge goes green TV’.



In science this term we will be exploring the theory of Evolution. We will be focusing on developing our scientific enquiry skills to ask relevant questions, make detailed observations and use and present scientific evidence to conclude our findings. We will begin the topic exploring inheritance – specifically looking at our own families and determining what features we inherit from our parents and grandparents to then looking at animal inheritance. Later in the topic, we will explore the theory of adaptation looking at how animals and plants have adapted to live in their environments. To conclude the topic we will look at scientific theorists who have develop the theory of evolution and debate ‘Should humans control evolution?’



Our History focus this term is the ‘Shang Dynasty’. During this topic we will use our chronological knowledge and previous learning to help us identify where the Shang Dynasty took place in our world’s history. We will then explore the hierarchy and how life compared for the different classes of people living in China at that time. We will explore artefacts found by historians and consider the questions posed, how historians found out what the artefacts were and what they tell us about society during the Shang Dynasty. To complete the topic we will use our knowledge to create a timeline of the Shang Dynasty and present it to the other classes.



Our PSHE topic this term is ‘Being me’. During the topic we will celebrate who we are as well as celebrating others uniqueness. We will contemplate the issues that may arise around who we are and how we can develop strategies to ensure we are not influenced by others and continue to do the things that make us happy and individual.


In Religious Education, we will be discussing the question ‘Is it better to express your religion in arts and architecture or in charity and generosity?’ This topic will look at how religions share their values, beliefs and how they communicate these with the world. As part of this topic we will be looking at the meaning and teachings of ‘Yom Kipper’ in the Jewish community.


