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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn


Summer 2

This half term we will continue to consolidate our work on number and fractions, decimals and percentages through 10 in 10 practice. This is to ensure the children feel confident using all of the methods we have learned in Year 5 to answer a variety of multiplication, division, addition and subtraction questions as well as fraction, decimal and percentage problems. 

During our daily Maths lessons, the children will be learning all about area, perimeter and volume of shapes. The children will complete their daily workbook activities and then apply their learning to solve greater depth problems. We will then be recapping long division to ensure the children are confident with this method before moving on to Year 6.

Summer 1

This half term we will continue to consolidate our work on number through 10 in 10 practice. This is to ensure the children feel confident using all of the methods we have learned in Year 5 to answer a variety of multiplication, division, addition and subtraction questions as well as fraction, decimal and percentage problems. 

During our daily Maths lessons, the children will be learning all about Position and Movement. Within this unit, the children will learn about plotting points on a grid as well as translation and reflection of points and shapes within this grid. We will then move on to learning about Measurements. The children will learn how to convert units of measurement and applying this knowledge to solve problems. We will also be converting units of time and understanding and applying negative numbers within units of temperature.

Spring 2


This half term we will continue to consolidate all of our learning so far this year during our 10 in 10 practice. During our lessons, we will be learning all about decimals. We will be understanding the value of tenths, hundreths and thousandths and compare and ordering decimals to understand the value of these digits. We will then move on to adding and subtracting decimals up to three decimal places. During this unit, we will also cover the fraction equivalence to decimal numbers. We will then move on to learning about percentages. We will be understanding what a percentage is, comparing different quantities and finding percentages of amounts. Again, we will learn about decimal and fraction equivalences to percentage values. Later in the half term, we will begin our geometry unit. In this, we will be learning all about different types of angles, how to measure angles using a protractor and investigating angles in shapes and on a line.

Spring 1


This half term we will continue to consolidate our learning of multiplication and division through out 10 in 10 practise. In our main lessons, we will begin to learn about fractions. This this unit, we will learn about equivalent fractions and how to simplify before moving on to adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators. We then learn how to multiply fractions by whole numbers. We will use lots of concrete resources and pictorial representations to support the children's understanding.

Autumn 2 


This half term we will continue to consolidate our learning of multiplication of 4-digit numbers by a 1-digit number before moving on to multiplying numbers by 2-digit numbers. We will then move on to division of numbers by a 1-digit number. We will be learning long division for this method. Once we have consolidated our understanding of these methods we will be applying them to word problems before moving on to reading and interpreting different types of graphs.

Autumn 1


Maths at Woodbridge Junior School follows the Maths No Problem Textbooks – This term we are focusing on developing our understanding of place values specifically looking at numbers to a million. In the first unit of Year 5,  we start by reviewing how to read and write numbers to 100 000, quickly moving onto numbers to 1 000 000. Time is spent using concrete materials to represent numbers to 1 000 000, including number discs and place-value charts. Pupils then compare numbers to 1 000 000 using their knowledge of place value in addition to bar model supports to assist them.

In chapter two, pupils will be exploring addition and subtraction of numbers to 1 000 000. They will begin the unit by using simple strategies to add and subtract, such as counting on and counting back. They will then focus on adding within 1 000 000 and subtracting within 1 000 000. Pupils will use multiple key methods, such as the column method and number bonds to add and subtract numbers.

Maths No Problem Scheme of Work Year 5
