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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Picture Gallery

Tuesday 12th Water team games. Great fun!

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Ready to attack!

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Tuesday 12th July. Year 6 Fun Day. Having a great time outside playing games.


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Friday 17th June - respect award winners

Friday 10th June - responsibility award winners

What a great day to round off a half term in which everyone has worked so hard! We have done a selection of activities to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee and all the Owls had a fantastic time.

We have had a fantastic Computing and Music workshop this morning (25th May) - we made music using code, light and angles!


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Respect and resilience award winners, including one for the whole class for a fantastic SATs week - Friday 20th May

Hard at work designing and describing our Miptors!

Monday 9th May- The first day of the SATS - Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.

Our aspiration award winners - such fantastic aiming high attitudes

This week, year 6 have been coming into school for their pre-SATs breakfast, ready for next week! They have enjoyed each other's company and felt ready to start the day.

This week’s responsibility award winner!

We got 100% on Fantastic Four!! Well done Owls, every single member of our class has read four times in their own time this week, showing great learning attitudes and responsibility!

Friday 18th March - confidence award winners

For Comic Relief we dressed up as the heroes in our lives

Friday 11th March - Respect award winners

In science, year 6 are learning all about the circulatory system and have produced informative posters to show everything they've learnt

Friday 4th March - pride award winners

Friday 11th February - creativity award winners

Thursday 10th February - Owls visited Jorvik and DIG in York. We all had a fantastic time and learnt so much about Viking life!

Friday 4th February - respect award winners

In history and DT we designed, made and evaluated trebuchets to breach the walls of a Viking settlement in Wessex. We tried our trebuchets, then had to see what didn't work well, then problem solve to make them more effective.

Friday 28th January - respect award winners!

In science, we have been using classification keys

Friday 21st January award winners

17th December - this week's confidence award winners

Friday 10th December - Aspiration award winners

Friday 3rd December - resilience award winners and respect from the previous week

What a fantastic effort playing together as a class

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We got the glockenspiels out today!

19th Nov - This week's responsibility award winners

Gymnastics in PE - practising balances today

Creativity award winners this week

For maths week, we investigated fraction using strawberry laces

Today we started our electricity topic in science by exploring simple circuits

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Friday 5th Nov - confidence award winners

We have been exploring maths in groups recently

Friday 22nd October - Resilience award winners

Friday 15th award winners - creativity and responsibility

Friday 8th October. Our fabulous athletes did us proud last night at the Athletics competition. We were even awarded a certificate for our determination and team spirit. Well done!

In science, we played Battle of the Beaks to help us understand Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

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More amazing cakes for homework! And we’ve had some amazing work to put up on display in the classroom :)

1st October - What a fantastic day we had at The Deep!

Look at this amazing cake made for homework; we all enjoyed a piece after swimming :)

This week's Aspiration award winners!

Owls have had an amazing start to Year 6; working hard in maths, athletics in PE, touch typing in computing, human Venn diagrams and adaption dominoes in Science!

This year's first award winners!! These children have shown amazing pride in their learning attitudes and behaviours
