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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn


Summer 2

This half term we will be recapping all of the skills we have currently learned so far in our reading lessons. Our key skill for this half term is sequencing. For this, the children will need to skim and scan a text to find the order of different facts, opinions or feelings. We will be using the book 'The King of the Cloud Forests' by Michael Morpurgo as the basis for our English topic.

In writing, the children will be writing a story about an adventure through mountains. We will be following the adventure story recipe and creating their own version of a story. We will be learning how to zoom in and zoom out of a setting using three fronted adverbials in our rainbow grammar sessions for this block. The children will also be applying all of the other sentence structures and grammatical techniques we have learned this year.

Summer 1

This half term we will be recapping all of the skills we have currently learned so far in our reading lessons. Our key skill for this half term is filling in the gaps. For this, the children will need to skim and scan a text to find missing information in sentences they have been provided. They will also need to match information together and infer different meanings of words. We will be using the book 'A Galaxy of Her Own: Amazing Stories of Women in Space' as the basis for our English topic.

In writing, the children will be writing a non-chronological report about life in space. They will be learning how to structure a report using headings and sub-headings as well as embedding their understanding of parenthesis and relative clauses. We will be looking at using more formal language for a report and ensuring only facts as used. 

In the second half of the term, the children will be writing persuasive texts based on the gadgets they are making. We will be learning about persuasive features to ensure how pitch encourages our audience that our gadget is the best. We will be using emotive language and the power of three, alongside other persuasive features.

Spring 2

We will continue to develop and recap our reading skills this half term, initially focusing on multiple choice questions and summarizing. To begin our English topic for this half term, we will be looking at our new key topic book; The Goldfish Boy. From this, we will be creating our own letters to one of the key characters within the book. We will be learning how to use letter writing features, as well as revisiting the use of relative clauses, fronted adverbials and looking at how to create effective cohesion throughout a paragraph. We will then move on to Newspaper report writing. Within this, we will consolidate our learning of using reported speech,

This term we will begin to read our class reader ‘The Goldfish Boy’. We know the children will love this text and we're excited to get started. 



Spring 1


Our reading focus this term is True or False. We will recap these skills and use them in larger texts to answer a variety of true or false questions, expanding these to detailed questions.

To begin our English topic for this half term, we will be looking at character descriptions. We will be learning how to use non-finite clauses and recapping how to use a variety of adverbials to add describe. We will also be focusing on how to use commas accurately to avoid ambiguity in our writing. We will then move on to reports and writing a report of an event. Within this, we will learn about direct and reported speech,

This term we will begin to read our class reader ‘Beowulf’. We will use different versions of the text to help spark our imagination of the mythical character.

Autumn 2


Our reading focus this term is matching – linking information together. We will recap these skills and use them in larger texts to match events, emotions and other information.

To begin our English topic for this half term, we will be looking at diary entries. We will be learning how to use parenthesis and recapping how to use fronted adverbials to add describe. We will continue to consolidate our new skills of relative clauses too.

This term we will begin to read our class reader ‘Journey to Jo'Burg’. We will use this text to develop our matching skills as well as identify features of a description text. We will use our Rainbow Grammar lessons to improve our writing skills and write our own diary entry based on the story read.

Autumn 1


Our reading focus this term is skimming and scanning. We will recap these skills and use them in larger texts to gain a deeper understanding of the text and answer questions using evidence gathered.

To begin our English topic this term we will look at non-chronological reports. We will explore the genre identifying the key features and using them to write our own non-chronological report on our class animal. We will then look at setting descriptions and develop our descriptive techniques by looking at fronted adverbials, similes, metaphors, personification and powerful vocabulary.

Later in the term we will begin to read our class reader ‘The Explorer’. We will use this text to develop our skimming and scanning skills as well as identify features of a description text. We will use our Rainbow Grammar lessons to improve our writing skills and write our own description based on the story read.
