Autumn 1
Autumn 1
This half term, we will exploring the question, 'How can we support wildlife in our local area?', focusing on where we live in Alfreton. To help us do this, we will be answering a mini-question each week:
KQ 1 - How can we explore the geography of our local area?
KQ 2 - How can we use art to portray our local area?
KQ 3 - How do different types of settlement affect the wildlife around us?
KQ 4 - How do different settlements affect the diet of local wildlife?
KQ 5 - How can we explore the geographical features of our local area?
KQ 6 - How can we record and present geographical data?
KQ – 7 What can artefacts tell us about the Romans?
As part of our learning, in Geography will be develop of geographical knowledge using maps, atlases and digital maps. We will also be exploring the physical and human geographical features of different types of settlements, including cities, towns and villages. In Science, we will be focusing on our 'Animals including humans' topic, where we will look at the nutritional needs of animals, as well as exploring how skeletons and muscles help animals move around their environment. In Art we will be investigating Watercolour Art, learning the different brush strokes and techniques. We will use the work of local water colour artist Iain Mackay to inspire our work.
Here is the topic plan and sticky knowledge organisers that we will be using. The sticky knowledge organisers contain all of the key learning information that the children will gain over the course of this topic.