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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Summer 2

Well done to this week’s certificate winners for showing confidence.

We continued to look at Van Gogh’s work in art. We zoomed in to a small part of a painting and explored the effects of different media.

In geography we compared Derbyshire with Lincolnshire, using a venn diagram.

We used inverted commas to introduce speech into our narrative writing, using the Rainbow Grammar cards.

This week we began practicing for sports day.

Well done to our certificate winners for showing respect this week.

In art we continued thinking about Van Gogh. We sketched things we could see from our window.

In science we made shadows by blocking the light from a torch.

In P.E. this week we continued with rounders. Our skills had definitely improved.

What a great way to finish our first week back, 100% attendance. Well done Squirrels!

Well done to our certificate winners for showing pride.

We began our art project on Vincent Van Gogh. We explored many of his pieces, learned about his life and learned about what inspired him to paint

In P.E, we began learning the skills of rounders. Some of the fielding skills we he already practiced in cricket helped.

In our first week back we enjoyed a history lesson about the Aberfan disaster to link with our mining project. We used drama and freeze framing.
