Who's Who
Ms Emma Hanson - Headteacher
Mrs Ely - Deputy Headteacher
Mrs Slater - SENCO
Ms Kerry - School Business Manager
Miss Turner - Pastoral Lead
Office Staff
Miss Pearson - School Business Officer
Teaching Staff
Miss Kaur - Foxes Class Year 3
Mrs Inqueiti-Lamb - Squirrels Year 3
Mrs Nuttall - Rabbits Class Year 4
Mrs Dobb- Badgers Class Year 4
Mrs Gratton/Miss Parkin - Hedgehogs Class Year 5
Mr Fletcher - Otters Class Year 5
Miss Higton - Eagles Class Year 6
Mrs Ely - Owls Class Year 6
Mrs Goldstein - PPA Teacher(temporary)
Teaching Assistants and Support Staff
Mrs White - Y4 TA, Forest Schools Lead, Speech and Language Support, Occupational Therapy Support
Mrs Paskouis - SEND Support
Miss Coughlan - SEND Support
Miss Morby - SEND Support, Sport and Activity Lead
Miss Wallace - SEND support Y4, Nurture staff, BC/After School Club
Mr Simpson - SEND support, Forest Schools staff
Miss Shirley - SEND support, Breakfast club
Mrs Brown - SEND support, Pastoral Assistant , Positive Play
Mrs Hunt - SEND support
Miss Marriott - Breakfast and After School Club
Mrs Dexter -Send Support, Nurture
Mrs Bird - SEND support
Mrs Radford - SEND support
Miss Wilkinson -SEND support
Mrs Clough - SEND support
Miss Rose - Apprentice TA
Miss Bett - Apprentice TA
Miss Audley - Apprentice TA
Mrs Wallace - SEND support Breakfast and After School Club
Midday Supervisors
Miss Marriott
Mrs Paskouis
Mrs Smith
Miss Coughlan
Mrs Dexter
Mrs Hunt
Miss Morby
Miss Shirley
Mrs Brown
Miss Sweeting
Site Supervisor and Cleaners
Miss Massey - Cleaner
Mrs Radford - Cleaner
Mrs Crawford - Cleaner
Mrs Belton - Cleaner
Mr Henderson - Caretaker
Governing Body
Emma Hanson - Headteacher
Mary Kerry - Staff
David Taylor - Chair Co-opted Governor
Simon Donlan - Parent Governor
Hannah Jowett-Frost - Co-opted Governor
Joe Parlatt - Co-opted Governor
Jasmine Daulton Clarke - Clerk to Governors