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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Summer Term 2023

Summer Term 2 Maths:

The national Multiplication Check will be taking place between Monday 5th June – Friday 16th June. 


In class, Maths at Woodbridge Junior School follows the Maths No Problem Textbooks – This term we are focusing on developing our understanding of area, angles, quadrilaterals, triangles, symmetry, plotting coordinates and describing movements.  We will then be revisiting units taught previously such as fractions and division, before the children move to Year 5.

Summer Term 1 – Maths

This term, we continue our work on decimals involving money.  This will move on to solving word problems as well as our usual daily mastery challenges.  We then move on to developing our understanding of mass, volume and length by measuring and converting these units of measure.  This unit will also include solving word problems.

We will also be working extra hard to develop our rapid recall of all times tables up to and including 12x.  This is in readiness for the national Multiplication Check in June.
