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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Spring 2

28.03.24 Value Winners for Aspiration

28.03.24: Anglo-Saxon Showcase

Our Word of the Week: MAYHEM

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Our word of the week is MAYHEM.

This means: violent, or extreme disorder; chaos.

Let’s get our children excited about words!

22.03.24 Value Winners: Responsibility!

21.03.24: Pizza Making in DT!

PE 19.03.24: Handball

Maths 19.03.24; Today was the last lesson of our 'Shape' topic. We have really enjoyed this, learning lots of new shape facts and vocabulary along the way!

15.03.24 Zones of Regulation: Practising calming techniques

Week 3: Our Value Winners for CONFIDENCE

Our Word of the Week: LOOMED

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Our word of the week is LOOMED. This means:

1. Appear as a vague or shadowy form, especially one that is large or threatening
“Vehicles loomed in the darkness”

2. (Of an event regarded as ominous or threatening) seem about to happen
“There is a crisis looming”

Let’s get our children excited about words!

12.03.24 Today we have been learning about appositives. We have used our rainbow grammar cards to help us identify appositives and punctuate them correctly.

08.03.24: Zones of Regulation - we have been building up our bank of calming tools, thinking specifically about breathing techniques today.

08.03.24: Some of our children building their skill set through Lego Therapy today!

Our final goodbyes to student teacher, Miss White, today. We will miss you- good luck!

08.03.24: Our Value Winners for RESPECT

Week 2: Our Word of the Week is INHERIT

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Definition: Receive (money, property, or a title) as an heir at the death of the previous holder.
“She inherited a fortune from her father.”

Let’s get children excited about words! Can you use the word in everyday conversation? Can you draw a picture of it? Could you write a sentence including the word, or even a short story? Send in your contributions and earn dojos!

07.03.24 World Book Day: Wow! What a way to celebrate words. We have been blown away by the creative, ambitious word choices and corresponding outfits.

Geography 4.3.24 In todays lesson, we used Digimaps to identify the biomes which are present in each country. We found that countries closer to the equator are more likely to have a desert or rainforest biome.

Week 1: Our Word of the Week is INCREDULOUS!

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(of a person or their manner) unwilling or unable to believe something.
"an incredulous gasp"

01.03.24: Our Value Winners for Respect

29.02.34: Our amazing Andy Warhol inspired Pizza Pop Art using technology as our medium

Geography 26.02.24 - today we have been learning all about time zones. Using Digimaps, we searched for locations around the world and used the time zones overlay to help identify the time it would be in that country and the difference in time from the UK. We learnt that some countries are so large that they have ,ore than one time zone.
