Spring 1
Multiplication and division.
To begin this half term, we will be recapping our 2's, 5's and 10's times tables and division facts. We will look at grouping and sharing, then move on to multiplying and dividing by 3, 4 then 8.
In the next unit, we continue with the theme of multiplication and division, beginning with recapping multiples of 10. After a lesson on reasoning, we will learn how to multiple a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. Then we will divide a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.
Length and perimeter.
Within this unit we will measure and use measurements in millimetres, centimetres and metres. We will add, subtract, compare and look at equivalent lengths.
Times Tables and Fluent in 5
As always, we will continue to practice our times tables and basic maths skills such as number bonds, addition, subtraction and doubles. We also now use a magic maths session to work on these and other skills.
TT Rock stars for homework will really help your child to learn their times tables and division facts. These are essential for all areas of maths.
Autumn 2
Addition and subtraction.
After the first unit of White Rose Maths on Place Value in Autumn 1, we now move onto addition and subtraction.
within this unit, we will add and subtract 1's 10's and 100's. We will explore patterns to help and use concrete materials to aid our understanding.
We will eventually introduce format addition and subtraction of first 2 digit and then 3 digit numbers.
Weekly continuous units-
We will work on reasoning skills and magical maths will help us embed key skills.
Our times tables will move onto 4's and 3's.
Multiplication and division.
During this unit we will firstly recap 2's, 5's and 10's using equal groups and and arrays.
We will then move to working on4's and 3's.
We will explore the inverse of the operations.