Summer 1
Tuesday 4th June 2024. We’ve had a great day today. We’ve been recapping our knowledge of place value in Maths. In P.E we had a game of rounders which was great fun. After break, we were looking at the features of a newspaper report, so that we are able to write our own. Then, this afternoon, we enjoyed programming using conditions and actions. We made our sprites do some amazing things.
Summer Term 1 Showcase - Micro:bit Home Smart Meter
24.5.24 - Our Word of the Week: QUIVER
tremble or shake with a slight rapid motion:
"the tree's branches stopped quivering"
Our trip to the National Space Centre 20.5.24 - we had the best time!
The Rocket Workshop was mind blowing! We loved the experiments and learning about how rockets work.
Is It Rocket Science Workshop!
17.05.24 Word of the Week: QUIRKY
having or characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits or aspects.
"her sense of humour was decidedly quirky"
17.05.24 Value Winners: Creativity
16.05.24 English: Researching to gather knowledge and become experts on Micro:bits
15.05.24 Geography: Understanding how to read and use 4 and 6 digit grid references on Digimap
10.05.24 Zones of Regulation: We used roleplay to help us to identify when and how to use Yellow Zone tools.
10.05.24: Y5 make stress balls for Y6 as 'good luck' gifts for their SATs which take place next week!
10.05.24 Value Winners: Responsibility
10.05.24 Word of the Week: OVERWHELMED
Overwhelmed means:
very great in amount.
"his party won overwhelming support"
(especially of an emotion) very strong.
"she felt an overwhelming desire to giggle"
09.05.24 DT: Making our Micro:bit cases from Lego for protection
03.05.24 Word of the Week: OVERLOOK
Overlook means:
Fail to notice
“He seems to have overlooked one important fact.”
Have a view from above
“The chateau overlooks fields of corn and olive trees.”
Let’s get our children excited about words! Talk to your children about our Word of the Week!
03.05.24 DT: Using Tinkercad to design our Lego cases, which will then be made to protect our Micro:bits!
03.05.24 Value Winners: Respect!
3.5.24 Celebrating the NHS - Health Care Assistant (& Trainee Nurse)
P.E 30.4.24 we really enjoyed playing tennis today, especially with the sunshine.
Computing 29.4.24Today we have been using vector drawings to create some bird art work. What do you think?
Maths 29.4.24 today we have been learning how to read and record temperature measurements.
Zones of Regulation, 26.04.24: The Toolbox
This week, the children have thought about the tools we have available, and have considered which of these tools would be genuinely beneficial in helping us to get back to the Green Zone and self-regulate.
Comments include:
"I think the most important tool in my toolbox is to 'Take a Break' because this helps me to get back to the Green Zone, especially if I am feeling frustrated." - Sydnie
"I think the most useful tool in my toolbox is a 'Fidget Ball' because I love how they feel and they make me happy." - Freya
"I think the most important tool in my toolbox is 'Size of the Problem' because it helps me to think about the bigger picture and get back to the Green Zone more quickly." - Kayson
"I think the most useful tool in my toolbox is 'Swinging' because I like the swinging motion up and down." - Jadyn
"I think the most useful tool in my toolbox is 'Walking' because, for me, taking a walk is really calming." - Harry
"I think the most useful tool in my toolbox is a 'Fidget Ball' because it helps me to calm down when feeling stressed." - Belle
"I think the most important tool in my toolbox is a 'Fidget Ball' because it calms me down a lot more than the other tools and it helps me to learn better." - Connie
Value Winners, 26.04.24: Aspiration
26.4.24 Our Word of the Week - MOURNFUL
feeling, expressing, or inducing sadness, regret, or grief.
"her large, mournful eyes"
Let's get excited about words! Encourage your children to discuss our Word of the Week at home.
25.4.24 Celebrting the NHS - Occupational Therapist Q&A Session
English 24.4.24 Today we have been learning all about non-finite clauses. We’ve learnt how to identify them and how to punctuate them correctly. This will help us write our own sentences with non-finite clauses tomorrow.
Computing 22.04.24 Today the children created vector draws only using two shapes. They developed their copy and pasting skills and resizing skills to help them creat their chosen picture.
Science 22.04.2024 Today we looked at how the moon orbits the Earth and how the Earth orbits the sun. This helped us understand how seasons and eclipses occur.
Word of The Week, 19.04.24: MONSTROUS
1. having the ugly or frightening appearance of a monster.
"monstrous, bug-eyed fish"
2. inhumanly or outrageously evil or wrong.
"he wasn't lovable, he was monstrous and violent"
Let's get excited about words! Encourage your children to discuss our Word of the Week at home.
Year 5 Reward Time, 19.04.24: In Year 5, we have been smashing goals and earning rewards!
Zones of Regulation, 19.04.24: Silencing our 'Inner Critic'
In Hedgehogs, we have been discussing the 'voice in our head'. We know that our Inner Voice can can take on a positive role, called our 'Inner Coach', or a negative role known as our 'Inner Critic'. Today, we have talked in depth about how to silence the Inner Critic, who is the unpleasant niggling voice that puts us down and tells us that we can't do something or that we're not good enough. We have discussed 'Growth Mindset' and the importance of 'YET', for example, "I can't do this YET, but I know that if I continue to try my best, I will be able to do it soon". Whilst we acknowledge that we may not be experts at all things, we can speak positively to ourselves and encourage growth and resilience. Hedgehogs have been amazing at this, and have really thought about how they can improve their Self Talk and be kinder to themselves. We have all been able to name things that we are great at, and we have talked with pride about our achievements. In the future, when we come across a difficult task or concept, we are going to try and remember our Inner Coach, and use it to silence the Inner Critic.