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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Autumn Term 2

Art 2.12.24 today we looked at Chinese style art. We enjoyed learning about The Four Gentlemen.

Independent write. 2.12.24 today we have been writing a diary entry as the character from our class ready, ‘Journey to Jo’burg’.

Computing 26.11.24 today we practised the different filming techniques, ready to create our own short film.

Gymnastics 26.11.26

Rainbow grammar 21.11.24 today we learnt all about non-finite clauses.

English 14.11.24 Our Soapbox challenge, explaining why everyone should be treated equally.

Still image for this video

English 14.11.24 Our Soapbox challenge, explaining why everyone should be treated equally.

Still image for this video

English 14.11.24 Our Soapbox challenge, explaining why everyone should be treated equally.

Still image for this video

Forest school 13.11.24

Science 12.11.24 today we investigated the properties of some materials, deciding whether they would float, sink, make a reaction or dissolve. We found the results fascinating.

Drama 12.11.24 today we acted out a scene from the story Journey to Jo’burg. We enjoyed understanding how the characters felt and understanding their actions.

08.11.24 Our Woodbridge Value award winner for pride.

Art 7.11.24 Today we looked at Islamic art and we created a geometric art pattern to use on an Islamic art tile. We can’t wait to see our designs come to life next week.

P.E Dodgeball 5.11.24
