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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Spring 2

Thursday 28th March - Every week the members of our school Minecraft Club choose a design of the week. This is sent to a nationwide group who choose one design each week. They have chosen Chloe’s design!

Thursday 28th March - Our finished batiks! These look fantastic!

Friday 22nd March - Batik painting day has arrived! I wonder how they'll turn out ...

Thursday 21st March - After a busy week of SATs practice, the Eagles are designing their Batik design. Today applying the glue ready for tomorrow’s painting.

Still image for this video

Friday 15th March - Our wonderful Woodbridge Values winners for Confidence

Thursday 7th March - World Book Day - Amazing costumes to describe our ambitious vocabulary.

Friday 1st March - Our wonderful Woodbridge Values winners for creativity.

Wednesday 28th Feb - Practising our tenses ready for SATS.
