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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Spring 1

Week 2 of our Spring term, we worked on multiplication in Math using lots of resources to help us understand the concept. In Art, we explored the origins of Greek theatre, the children loved learning why masks were used, that only men acted in the theatre and that unfortunately, there are no surviving original Greek masks from that time period! We then explored 4 masks and annotated them, to give us ideas for creating our own masks. In Computing, we learned how to read code with loops and then make modifications to extend or reduce the loop. The listened really well in this lesson and we all came out of it feeling very successful!

Start of the New Year and lots of new topics to explore! We have started invasion games in PE, designing out our Greek god in English to enable us to write really interesting and descriptive character descriptions. In Science we learned how to classify living things by their features. In DT, we tasted foods commonly enjoyed by the Ancient Greeks, the rabbits really enjoyed the afternoon feast we had. We ending the week using the Scratch programme to create loops to draw different shapes. Really pleased to be back with the children this week, can’t wait for next weeks learning
