Autumn 2
Autumn Term 2
This term was so busy and the foxes remained in top spirits till the end!
We began our second topic of "What is Art?". This began with some outdoor exploration and inspiration from the artist Andy Goldsworthy. We explored what medium could be considered art and we worked on explaining our opinions on different pieces of art.
Within this topic we explored The Romans, learning who they were, what they did and how they we so successful. We investigated Roman artefacts, explored their lifestyle and ended the topic creating our own Roman style clay pots using the coil technique.
In science we learned all about forces. We explored different types of forces and became scientists to test which surfaces have the most friction and which materials are magnetic.
We cant talk about Autumn 2 without mentioning the Christmas festivities! The Foxes became serene angels and worked really hard practicing the songs and moves to our Christmas production of '"Don't be afraid".

Woodbridge Star Winners for Autumn 2 - Well done everyone! You are making us and your families very proud.