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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Autumn 1

21.10.2024 Year 4 went on their trip to Cromford Mill. We had a fantastic time meeting Sir Richard Arkwright, stepping into the first mill. Trying on the uniform of the child employees and completing the jobs they would have been tasked with. Then we had a go at building our own waterwheels out of Lego, and putting them to the test. The children were so well behaved and mannered, it was a pleasure to take them out!

Well done to our Stars of the week this week for showing resilience! And we achieved joint top spot for TT rock Stars with 100%

Week 6 has been a fab week! We continued to work on addition and subtraction in maths, in English we brought out the rainbow grammar cards to learn how to punctuate speech correctly. In science we completed our investigation into insulators and conductors. We ended the week with a fantastic DT afternoon. I was really proud of how safety they used the hack saws today, they listened and watched the demonstration and worked really hard to create accurate cuts!

Here are our fantastic star of the week winners for showing their creativity in and out of school!

Week 5 in year 4! This week the trim trail was ready for action, it is safe to say this has been the highlight of the week for many rabbits! In English, we brought out the Rainbow Grammar card to help us create sentences with fronted adverbials. In PE we worked on your throwing skills, practicing shot put, javelin and chest pass throws. In DT we came up with our solar panel lamp designs, using consensus circles to create a joint design and we ended the week with computing. We had a lovely calm warm up practicing our typing skills. Then, we perfected our coding to create specific shapes with specific code patterns.

Celebrating our Woodbridge star of the week winners for exuding responsibility last week.

Week 4 of our Autumn term, over half way already. This week in PE we practiced our long jump technique and then had a look at a video of the world record, which we couldn’t believe it when we saw how far her got! In English we have honed our skimming and scanning skills, learning all about William Kamkwamba and his windmill. In science we created our own switches, in DT we tested different joining methods and in computing we created named procedure codes! What a whopping week rabbits!

Week 3 in Rabbits class - This week we came up with our design criteria for our night like project, thinking about what it needs to be and who are we marketing it to. We completed our independent write of a non-chronological report all about rabbits. In history, we explored Richard Arkwright and his contribution to the growth of the Industrial Revolution, which included acting as one of his factory workers spinning some yarn. In science, we figured out how to debug incomplete electrical circuits and get more familiar with all the components that we come across in science.

Week 3 - here we are celebrating our star of the week winners, showing aspiration and pride! Well done!

Week 2 in Rabbits - we had our first Forest school session in the glorious sunshine. We completed circuit training in PE and then created electrical circuits of our own in science. We continued our English lessons learning how to use a dictionary to locate topic vocabulary for our next independent write. The rabbits loved fish finger Friday today with ice cream for pudding and we completed the week with a lovely relaxing reading session.

Week 1 of the new school year has been amazing! The new rabbits knocked down in Maths, getting used to the new scheme that Woodbridge have taken on. In English we explored the ins and outs of non-chronological reports, end the week today exploring using the conjunction ‘yet’. In computing we learned about the importance of accuracy in writing computer code and we ended the week with a lesson on the art of cubism!
