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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Summer 2

Friday 12th July - Year 6 Leavers' Party - What an amazing night it was. Thank you to all who supported, decorated, chauffeured. The children had the best night!

Well done to the Woodbridge Stars.


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Tuesday 9th July - Archery lesson. It was fantastic fun and some of us even managed to score a bullseye!

Our fastest boy and girl rowers!

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Wednesday 3rd July- Tough Runner!

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Still image for this video

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Friday 21st June - Our wonderful Woodbridge Values winners for Confidence.

Wednesday 19th June - Completing our final piece of independent writing for our secondary school to see what amazing writers we are!

Wednesday 19th June - Working hard on our last piece of independent writing ready for secondary school.

Monday 17th June - Heads down working extremely hard on our last independent writing in Year 6.

Friday 14th June - A Derbyshire Fire Officer visited Year 6 to discuss fire safety.

Friday 14th June - Our Woodbridge Values winners for Respect.

Wednesday 12th June - Assessing a piece of writing using the official checklist used by teachers to moderate writing.

Friday 7th June - Our wonderful Woodbridge Values winners for pride!

Thursday 6th June- Sharing ideas for our independent writing about The Miptor - a fantasy creature of our own creation.

Monday 3rd June - As an introduction to our new topic “Could you survive on an island?” we played the trading game. Each group were given a varying amount of money and resources and had to make various shapes to build up a profit. We had a fantastic time. Look how much money we made!
