Uniform Information
Our school uniform is designed to be practical, affordable and smart so that children can be active and move freely and also be proud of their appearance and belonging to Woodbridge Junior School. In the summer, our uniform also helps to protect children from the sun.
Woodbridge Uniform
Grey or black trousers, skirt, shorts or pinafore dress. Dresses, skirts and shorts should be on or just above the knee. In summer a blue checked dress can be worn.
White polo shirt or shirt
Plain navy blue cardigan, sweatshirt, fleece or jumper or Woodbridge logo sweatshirt or cardigan from our official supplier (see below).
Plain black school shoes or boots. These should be flat. Sandals with a closed toe and a back can be worn in summer. These must also be flat.
PE Kit
We provide all new starters with a PE kit and bag.
Children should wear their PE kits to school on their PE day, which is currently Tuesday for all classes..
The uniform for PE is a white T shirt and Navy blue or black shorts. In the winter a plain black or navy blue tracksuit can be worn with the t shirt. This should not have any colours or logos on it. Plain black trainers should be provided for outdoor use. Inside PE is usually barefoot although plimsolls can also be provided.
Stud earrings and a watch are the only jewellery items that are allowed in school. Earrings should be removed before school on PE days. If a child's ears have been pierced within the previous 6 weeks so that they are unable to remove them, tape should be provided to cover the earrings for the PE lesson. Children will need to be able to do this for themselves as staff are not permitted to do so.
School Uniform

The Schoolwear Centre
69a West Gate, Mansfield, Notts NG18 1RU
Tel: 01623650782