Summer 1
Summer Term 1 Showcase: Micro:bit Smart Meter
24.5.24 - Our Word of the Week is QUIVER
tremble or shake with a slight rapid motion:
"the tree's branches stopped quivering"
24.5.24 Award Winners - RESILIENCE
Music - Listening to one of our Otter's piano recital
English - Superb focus and engagement in Otters writing their independent write leaflet on Micro:bits
National Space Centre Trip
17.05.24 Word of the Week: QUIRKY
having or characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits or aspects.
"her sense of humour was decidedly quirky"
17.5.24 Award Winner - CREATIVITY
Computing - Digital Manipulation
Design & Technology - Writing computer code for their Micro:bits as part of their 'Energy Saving Devices' project!
10.05.24: Y5 made stress balls for the Y6s as 'good luck' gifts in preparation for SATs week!
10.05.24 Word of the Week: OVERWHELMED
Overwhelmed means:
very great in amount.
"his party won overwhelming support"
(especially of an emotion) very strong.
"she felt an overwhelming desire to giggle"
10.5.24 Award Winners - RESPONSIBILITY
Design & Technology - Creating a housing unit for our Micro:bits using Lego
Maths - SUPER focused Otters, estimating area and perimeter of irregular shapes!
Computing - Vector drawings are becoming very professional!
OWZATTTTTT! Must be the start of summer, once the cricket bats come out!
03.05.24 Word of the Week: OVERLOOK
Overlook means:
Fail to notice
“He seems to have overlooked one important fact.”
Have a view from above
“The chateau overlooks fields of corn and olive trees.”
Let’s get our children excited about words! Talk to your children about our Word of the Week!
Celebrating the NHS - Health Care Assistant (& Trainee Nurse)
3.5.24 Award Winners - Respect
CAD (Computer-Aided Design) drawings of our 'Energy Saving' Devices.
Forest Schools - Summer Term 1
Computing - Vector Drawings
PE - Mini Tennis Tournament!
26.4.24 Word of the Week - MOURNFUL
feeling, expressing, or inducing sadness, regret, or grief.
"her large, mournful eyes"
Let's get excited about words! Encourage your children to discuss our Word of the Week at home.
26.4.24 - Award Winners (Aspiration)
English - Non-finite clauses writing
Celebrating the NHS - Occupational Therapist Q&A Session
Science - Making models of orbiting planets, moon and stars
Our Word of the Week, 19.04.24: MONSTROUS
1. having the ugly or frightening appearance of a monster.
"monstrous, bug-eyed fish"
2. inhumanly or outrageously evil or wrong.
"he wasn't lovable, he was monstrous and violent"
Let's get excited about words! Encourage your children to discuss our Word of the Week at home.