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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Summer 2

We celebrated these two lovely ladies today for showing their aspirational qualities! Well done girls!

Week 5 and what an epic week it has been! We have been further exploring our free verse poetry unit in English. We had Sports Day on Tuesday, Tough Rower and Wednesday and Tough Runner on Thursday! And we topped the week off with a delayed Forest School session with shores! Could this week have gone any better?

Not forgetting our ⭐️ of the week winners even through transition days! Well done 🦊 for showing great responsibility!

What at whopper of a week! The first half the Foxes explored how reflective different materials are and zoomed in to the work of Van Gogh to really concentrate on the details of the Sunflowers picture. Then the second half, we became trainee Rabbits for our year 4 transition together. We honed our number skills with Numicon, created Dream Jars to contain our aspirations for next year and wrote about our Dream Day out and designed our own rabbit burrows to end the week. I can’t wait to get cracking next year!

Here we have our ⭐️ award winners this week, showing us what confident pupils they are becoming.

Week 3 of our summer term, in Geography we created a comparison of geographical features between Derbyshire and Lincolnshire using a Venn diagram. In PE we began our sports day practice by practicing the races that we will be participating in. In English we continued to improve our reading skills with sequencing. We had a lovely afternoon on Friday, using view finders to test different art materials to represent the fine strokes of Van Gogh!

Well done to these two respectful Woodbridge Wonders!

Week 2 - This week we have explored our writing tools further within our text of The Feathered Serpent and the Five Suns by using Rainbow Grammar cards to build three predicate sentences. We advanced our coding skills in Scratch by creating movements to get a sprite out of a maze. In Science we learned how shadows are formed and created our own shadows and finally, in Art we got into the mind of Van Gogh and sketched what we could see out of our classroom window.

Week 1 of our last term together! We started our new PE block with rounders, my favourite game! In English we practiced our new reading skill of Sequencing, ordering the main events of our English text. In computing we began our second programming block, coding sprites to move on command. In Art we explored the work of Van Gogh, expressing our opinions of his work and learning about him.
