Our Forest School Sessions
Forest Schools
The children at Woodbridge thoroughly enjoy their Forest School sessions. We see all the children grow and thrive while participating in our exciting sessions.
The children learn our 3 R's, while at Forest Schools, which are respect, reliable and responsible. They learn to use the 3 R's throughout their lives, towards themselves, others and nature.
The sessions are all structured, full of various activities and all start with free-play. This is vital for outdoor learning, this part includes the children, as a whole class, having the exciting opportunity to explore our outdoor forest school area. They do this while using their imagination and creativity, doing lots of fun things such as: playing in the mud, creating homes for small animals, making dens, climbing trees and playing games, this is all done while experiencing the great outdoors, learning, practising and demonstrating being respectful, reliable and responsible.
Forest School is child led, therefore we plan our sessions, but our planning can vary from week to week and class by class.
We have lots of exciting plans to develop our already amazing Forest School area in the future which, all the children will be part of and will experience and enjoy throughout their time with us at Woodbridge!
We have welcomed our new Forest Schools tent, which enables us to have every Forest Schools session outdoors, regardless of the weather.
We are continuously developing our amazing Forest Schools area to create diverse habitats and to facilitate child led learning, such as using magnifying glasses to investigate and to take a closer look at nature all things small, creating homes and building dens and having an enjoyable session, while using our 3 R’s and learning about the great outdoors!
In addition to our raised beds, we are developing our allotment, we now have a potato patch, a pumpkin patch and a corn patch.
We now have a marsh, which is also used as a habitat for lots of different and interesting creatures.
We are now ready to plant the last few of our 260 saplings, in our Forest School area, these will create various habitats and make our outdoor area even more exciting for all the children, animals and creatures who will use or visit our area!
Have a look in our photo gallery to see more pictures, of the progress we are making to our wonderful Forest School area and to see inside our incredible new tent!