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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Autumn Term 1

25.10.24 Our Woodbridge Value award winners for confidence.

Design and Technology 24.10.2024 - we have loved making our chicken skewers today. We chopped up our chicken and vegetables and thought carefully about the spices we wanted to use. Later we tasted and evaluated our products. It was a great DT day.

Bikeability Certificate Presentation Assembly

22.10.2024 we have been working so hard to write our journey stories up this week. We can’t wait to invite parents and family members in to read our stories to you. They are amazing!

Design Technology 21.10.24 today we designed our chicken skewer. We can’t wait to make them on Thursday.

18.10.24 Our Woodbridge Value award winners for resilience.

Art 15.10.24 we used our clay the unique to help us create tropical plant sculptures using clay. We were so impressed with the finished outcome and we can’t wait to show them when they have dried.

🌈 Rainbow Grammar 🌈 14.10.24 today we used rainbow grammar cards to punctuate speech.

14.10.24 we loved going on the new trim trail today!

11.10.24 Our Woodbridge Value award winners for creativity.

Art 10.10.24 today we practiced using clay skills to help us create sculptures using clay. We can’t wait to create our final product next week.

Computing 8.10.24 today we designed our own website and looked at how search engines rank websites based on a point system. We used the system to improve the ranking of our web pages.

Geography 7.10.24 Today we used information gathered and research to compare the Amazon Rainforest to Rio de Janerio. It was so interesting learning about the physical and human features.

04.10.24 Our Woodbridge Value award winners for responsibility.

3.10.24 Today we learnt how to become better partners by asking questions to find out information about each other. We were developing our listening and speaking skills. It was great fun.

Maths 1.10.24 we have been learning how to use pictorial and abstract methods to add numbers with more than four digits.

Geography 30.9.24 Today we have been learning about the different biomes that make up our world. We were interested to learn that deserts can be hot and cold places. We also learnt that the tundra biome covers 1/5 of the Earth.

27.9.24 Our Woodbridge Value award winners for pride.

English 25.9.24 We have started our independent write today. We are creating non-chronological reports on hedgehogs. We can’t wait to share these with you.

Computing 24.09.2024 we have looked at different search engines and how effective they are at giving us the information we need to find. We concluded that Google and Bing search engines are more reliable than the others used.

Geography 23.09.2024 Today we have been learning about biomes and the different layers of the rainforest. We then carried out research to find out which plants and animals live in the different layers.

20.9.24 Our Woodbridge Value award winners for aspiration

Art 19.9.24 Today we used the sketching skills we developed last week to sketch plants. We enjoyed practising with the different techniques used.

Rainbow Grammar 18.9.24 We have been practising identifying subordinating conjunctions and writing adverbial clauses.

English 17.9.24 Today we have enjoyed learning new facts about Hedgehogs. We are going to use these facts to help us write a non-chronological report.

P.E 17.9.24 Another great lesson on the gym equipment. We really enjoyed getting our heart rate up and pushing ourselves to get stronger and fitter.

Handwriting 16.9.24 Today we have been practising our joins. We find handwriting really calms us down and we are all striving to get a pen licence, showing pride in our letter formation.

Art 12.9.24 we have really enjoyed exploring different techniques used to create light and tone.

Our first Y5 forest school session 11.9.24

PE 10.9.24 we’ve enjoyed completing circuit training on the gym equipment.

PE 10.9.24

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PE 10.9.24

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Our first day in Hedgehogs 6.9.24
