Autumn Term 1
Autumn Term 1
Our environmental topic ‘Could we survive without the rainforest?’ will be based on learning all about the rainforest and the affect it has on our environment. We will also look at whether our rainforests are being looked after. We will be learning where rainforests are located and how they differ from other areas of South America. Finally we will develop our knowledge of biomes and the impact the rainforest has on our planet.
In History, we will be looking at Early Islamic Civilisation. We will begin to look at the impact that the Early Islamic Civilisation had on academics and how important Baghdad was.
In Art, we will be improving our sketching skills are learning how to shade using different techniques. We will apply this learning in our own sketches of tropical plants.
This term we will be learning about Animals and habitats, including life cycles.
Pupils will be taught the following:
- Describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird.
- Describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals.