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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Autumn 2

Week 6 - Our Confidence Stars

Weeks 4 and 5 - Our Stars for Resilience and Pride

Week 3 - Our Respect Stars

Week 2 - Our Creativity Stars

COMPUTING - Microbots

We have been learning how to programme microbots, and have created electronic name badges using code. 

History - The Atlantic Slave Trade

As part of our Black History Month investigations, Year 4 have been using Primary and Secondary sources to find out about the Atlantic Slave Trade of the 17th,18th  and 19th Centuries.

Week 1 - Our Pride Stars: 

Graffiti Artist at Large!

Badgers have had to turn into super-sleuth journalists this week after a strange break-in on Monday evening. Strange, but bright, scribbles were found all over the Year 4 corridor. Could this be the work of the infamous Scribbleboy?
