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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Spring 1

Tuesday 12th March- Revising our determiners in English! Superstars!

Friday 8th March - Our Wonderful Woodbridge Values winners for Respect.

Thursday 7th March - Look at these designs we’ve created using tie-dye.

Thursday 15th February- Our wonderful Woodbridge Values winners for Pride.

Thursday 15th February- Viking longboats under construction!

Weds 14th February- For her homework, Chloe designed a Viking game! Here she is playing it!

Wednesday 14th February- Working hard on our Viking monster stories.

Tuesday 13th February - Our last History task for our Viking topic. Were the Vikings raiders or settlers? The jury’s out!

Tuesday 13th February- Enjoying a warm-up activity before the game in PE.

Friday 9th February- Our Woodbridge Values winners for Resilience!

Friday 2nd February- Our wonderful Woodbridge Values winners for responsibility.

Friday 2nd February- Staying in at playtime to collect points for NSPCC Times Tables Rockstars!

Friday 26th January- look at these wonderful writers!

Friday 26th January- Our wonderful Woodbridge Values winners for the week.

Tuesday 23rd January - The Eagles proudly present...Bacharach Anorak!

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Tuesday 23rd January Look at this wonderful painting of a Viking longship created by Alexis!

Friday 19th January- The winners of our Aspiration award!

Wednesday 17th January - Reading Awards. Well done to all of the following children for making the most progress in their reading during the autumn term.

Wednesday 17th January- “The Vikings: Law-Makers or Law-Breakers?” Planning our independent writing by organising our facts!

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Tuesday 9th January- Enjoying a game of Dodgeball after working hard on our English and Maths!

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Monday 8th January- Reconstruction Relay. The class was split into teams of Anglo-Saxon spies. Each team member had 30 seconds to memorise a Viking Longship design and then 2 minutes to draw it. These were then compared to the original design to see which group were the best spies!

team Joe, Damian, Ryan and Danny were the winners!
