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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn


Summer Term 2 Maths:

The national Multiplication Check will be taking place between Monday 6th June – Friday 24th June. 


In class, Maths at Woodbridge Junior School follows the Maths No Problem Textbooks – This term we are focusing on developing our understanding of area, angles, quadrilaterals, triangles, symmetry, plotting coordinates and describing movements.  We will then be revisiting units taught previously such as fractions and division, before the children move to Year 5.

Summer Term 1 – Maths

This term, we continue our work on decimals involving money.  This will move on to solving word problems as well as our usual daily mastery challenges. 


We then move on to developing our understanding of mass, volume and length by measuring and converting these units of measure.  This unit will also include solving word problems.


We will also be working extra hard to develop our rapid recall of all times tables up to and including 12x.  This is in readiness for the national Multiplication Check in June.

Spring 2


We will start the term by completing our unit of Fractions.  We will add and subtract fractions as well as simplifying and converting improper fractions to mixed fractions and vice versa. 


Following fractions, we will move on to Time.  After some revision, we will look at the 24 hour clock before solving problems coverting seconds, minutes and hours.  We will then solve further problems using timetables.


We then move swiftly on to Decimals understanding tenths, hundredths.  We then move on to comparing and ordering decimals and looking at the relationships with fractions.  The unit is completed by rounding decimals.

Spring 1


After we finish our multiplication and division unit we will move onto Graphs. In this chapter, pupils will learn how to interpret picture graphs and bar graphs. They will be introduced to line graphs and how they are used to measure change over time. They will interpret line graphs and use information collated in a table to draw a line graph. Pupils will make predictions based on trends identified in data.


Towards the end of the half term we will begin looking at fractions. In this chapter pupils will be introduced to hundredths. They will learn about mixed number fractions and improper fractions. They will learn how to convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions. They will learn how to add and subtract fractions and will solve addition and subtraction word problems.

Autumn 1 

We will begin the year with 'Numbers to 10,000'.


In this chapter, pupils will learn to count in multiples of 25, 100 and 1000 in order to count larger numbers comprehensively. They will learn about the relative size of numbers and complete number sequences within 10 000. Pupils will learn about place value to 4 digits and they will link numbers in numerals and in words. They will compare numbers using language such as 'greater', 'smaller', 'less' and 'more', using the mathematical symbols <, > and =. They will use their knowledge of number and place value to help complete number patterns. They will also learn about rounding numbers to the nearest 1000, 100 and 10; children will apply this knowledge to approximate, total and find the difference.

Followed by adding and subtracting within 10,000.


In this chapter pupils will be taught to add and subtract with numbers up to 10 000. They will use the column method for addition and subtraction and they will also learn mental methods for addition and subtraction. Pupils will be encouraged to think about when is the most appropriate time to use each method. They will use the methods taught to solve word problems: visualising the problems using the bar model.

Autumn 2

After half term we will explore multiplication and division.


In this chapter, pupils will learn how to multiply and divide by 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12. They will begin to understand mathematical vocabulary such as 'quotient' in relation to division. They will learn how to calculate multiplication equations using the multiplication facts that they know. They will understand the difference between sharing and grouping and they will understand the commutative law in multiplication. They will also solve problems involving multiplication and division.


Then moving onto further multiplication and division.



In this chapter, pupils will further develop their understanding of multiplication and division. They will learn how to divide and multiply by 1 and 0 and understand the law of commutativity. They will learn how to multiply three numbers together using prior knowledge of multiplication tables.

Pupils will use their tables and knowledge of place value to multiply multiples of 10, leading to the multiplication of 2-digit numbers using short multiplication. They will use their knowledge of multiplying multiples of 10 when multiplying multiples of 100, leading to multiplying 3-digit numbers using short multiplication.

Pupils will learn more about division and will divide 2-digit numbers using two methods, including numbers with remainders. They will learn to solve multiplication and division problems using the methods they have learned and will use bar models to visualise what the problem is asking them to do.

Maths No Problem Scheme of Work Year 4
