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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Autumn 2

Topic and Science: Is art the same all around the world?

Autumn 2


In Maths, we will carry on following the Maths No Problem Textbook. We will carry on looking at Chapter 3 - Multiplication and Division and consolidating the Multiplication unit that we started before half term. We will then be moving on to unpicking word problems and graphs in Chapters 4 and 5.


Our reading focus this term is matching – linking information together. We will continue to develop the children’s skimming, scanning and close reading skills to help then locate specific information to help them answer the questions posed. Additionally, we will be focusing on how to provide evidence to support our opinions, ideas answer which we have inferred.  


To begin our English topics this term we will be reading 'Journey to Jo'Burg' by Beverley Naidoo as part of our Black History week. During this topic, we will explore the inequalities of black lives and the history of this.


During our English sessions, we will be writing a diary entry and a report.In our Rainbow Grammar sessions, we will be  focusing on the grammatical features needed for these genres, which includes parenthesis and fronted adverbials.
