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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Autumn term 2


Our topic question this term is ‘How has Picasso influenced modern day art?’. The half term will start off with a workshop delivered by an artist, who will help the children to create their own comic-style self-portrait. During this topic, we will be understanding that art can be subjective and that people’s opinions may vary on different styles of art. We will use inference skills to find out about Picasso and his life. We will explore colour, emotion and sketching skills through Picasso’s cubism work; we will then recreate a Picasso style self-portrait to make comparisons to their modern portrait.


In science this term we will be learning about Electricity. To start this topic, we will consolidate our prior Year 4 knowledge on electricity and recap the benefits and dangers of electricity. As the topic progresses, we will be learning how to create complex circuits using a range of different components such as buzzers, lights, motors and switches. We will investigate the impact voltage has on the components and how to use voltage safely. Finally, we will use all of the knowledge gained to design and conduct our own experiments to practise working scientifically.
