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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn


WC. 09.05.2022 Week 4 - Fractions Slides

This week we are continuing our current chapter of fractions. 


We will look at adding and subtracting fractions and finding equivalent fractions! 


Use the links below to support your learning. 


How to add and subtract fractions - BBC Bitesize


Fractions on a number line - Maths - Learning with BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize


Equivalent fractions - Maths - Learning with BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize

General Maths resources 


Use the following links to help you practise addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


Addition and Subtraction -

Multiplying and dividing -

Number bonds -

Maths activities (select age group 7-9) -


Use the 4 types of calculations to play Defenders of Mathematica:


Times Tables:

TT Rockstars:

Try Hit the Button to practice individual times tables:
