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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn


SPaG Homework Help


Below are some useful documents to help with Year 6 homework. There is a glossary, published by the government, which contains every word that the children should know by the end of Year 6. This should help with their homework if they are unsure what a word means.


There are two sets of words (Year 3&4 and Year 5&6). These are words that the children should be able to spell by the end of Year 6 and they are likely to be tested on 20 of these words in May. 


I hope these are useful to you.

Year 6 Maths Homework


Year 6 have been given a Maths Arithmetic workbook as part of their homework. There is a timetable for when each page needs to be completed by. These should be stuck inside your child's homework book but if not, a copy is attached below.

Spring 1 topic homework menu

Autumn 2 topic homework menu

3rd October- Thank you for all your support with homework! The next piece Autumn Term Workout 2 is due in Friday 11th.

Autumn 1


Homework this half term will be given on a Friday to be returned on a Thursday. It will be marked in class together on Thursdays. If children are struggling to complete any tasks at home, there is a homework club available after school on Mondays. The homework tasks are as follows:


The Fantastic Four Readers

The children are required to read at least four times a week in their own time for at least 10 minutes per time. Each time, an adult needs to write in their reading records. These will then be checked in class and a reward will be given to those children who read four times a week all of the time. If the children are struggling to complete this at home, Mrs Pace is based in the library at lunch time. The children can read with her during their lunch times and Mrs Pace will sign in the reading records.


Times Tables Rockstars

The children will also need to play on Times Tables Rockstars for 20 minutes, 3 times per week. This will be monitored by teachers. 


Topic Menu

I have attached our topic menu below. The children will need to complete some or all of the activities that are all related to our topic: 'To bee or not to bee: Could you survive without the bees?'. At the end of the half term, the children will be given up to 10 dojos depending on how much effort has been applied. 


English booklet

The children will be given English work booklets. Every week, the children will be told which pages will need to complete for their homework. This will be given on a Friday and then will be looked at in class on the Thursday. Each time this booklet is completed, the children will receive 1 dojo. 

Autumn 1 Homework Menu
