Safeguarding Portfolio
Woodbridge Safeguarding Portfolio is available to staff via Microsoft Teams.
The following is a list of its contents. If you ae struggling to access anything please contact Lesley Turner, Pastoral Lead.
- Current Action plan not published but available in school at request.
2. Guidance’s- DFE/Government Guidance’s, Statutory- Non Statutory
- Keeping Children Safe in Education January 2021 Update.
- Links to current Guidance from the DFE/ Government Statutory – Non Statutory.
3.Policies/Guidance’s DCC/ Woodbridge Junior Schools own.
- Woodbridge Child Protection Policy,
- Protect Report form for concerns from staff who do not have access to My Concern.
- Staff Code of Conduct.
- Woodbridge Anti Bullying Behaviour Policy.
- Peer on Peer Abuse Policy.
- Woodbridge Online Safety Policy.
- Acceptable use of internet policy.
- Domestic Abuse Notifications flowchart.
- Protocol Domestic Abuse Notifications.
- Managing Allegations against staff.
- LADO Referral form.
- LADO Flow Chart.
- LADO Information Leaflet.
- Whistle Blowing Guidance.
- GSWP, Safer Working Practice.
- Visitors Policy.
- Student information and conduct form.
- Multi Agency Dispute Policy.
- Derbyshire Dissent Policy.
- Derbyshire Threshold Document.
- Equality and Diversity Policy.
- Extremism and Radicalisation Policy.
- Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy.
- Physical Intervention Policy.
- Children Missing From Education Policy.
- Private Fostering Policy.
- Administration of Medication Policy.
- Separated Parent’s Policy.
- Complaints Procedure for External Complaints.
- Substance Misuse Policy.
- Health and Safety Policy.
- Lockdown Statement.
- Run, Hide, Tell Weblink.
- Prevent Referral Form
- Intimate Care Policy
- RSE Policy.
- CRE Risk Assessment Tool Kit
- CRE Risk Assessment Form
- Operation Liberty report form.
- Graded Care Profile
- Self Harm and Suicide Behaviour Support Guidance
- Derbyshire Young Carers Service Information
5. Staff Induction Folder.
- Woodbridge Child Protection Policy.
- Child Protection Report form for staff without access to MyConcern.
- Concern Flow Chart.
- Woodbridge Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy.
- Children Missing from Education Safeguarding Response.
- Staff Induction and Code of Practice.
- The role and Identity of Designated Safeguarding Leads.
- Information on Derbyshire Early Help Service.
- Schools Early Help Offer.
- Keeping Children Safe in Education Part One.
- Whistle Blowing Guidance.
- Induction Pack Guide.
6. School Early Help Documents.
- Blank Early Help Assessment.
- Concern flow chart.
- Early Help Offer.
- Family Support Action Plan.
- Initial Pastoral Assessment.
7. School Safeguarding Training information
- Document regarding location of Staff Safeguarding Training information.