Foundation Subjects
Spring 1
Topic Coverage
This term we will be learning about Living Things and their Habitats.
We will cover the following National Curriculum objectives:
- recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways
- explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment
- recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things.
This term we will be learning about Ancient Greece. We will:
- Use map skills to locate Greece.
- Investigate Greek life and their achievements and influence on the western world.
- Research the Gods and Goddesses to compliment our English units.
- Learn about the Trojan war.
- Taste and evaluate Greek inspired food.
We will explore the work or Greek theatre and the masks they used to portray the characters. We will evaluate existing theatrical masks, practice the skills to build 3D features on masks. Finally designing and creating our own theatrical masks.
Other Subjects
- French - language that can be used in a classroom.
- RE - Hindu Life.
- PSHCE - Friendships.
- Computing - use Scratch to develop our coding skills.
Sticky Knowledge Mats
Autumn 2
Science Topic
We will be studying 'Sound' this term. This links in beautifully with our topic as music can be a form of art. The children will:
- identify how sounds are made, associating some of them with something vibrating
- recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear
- find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it
- find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it
- recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases
Sticky Knowledge Mats
Art Topic - Can we find art in the street?
Our topic will investigating how art can be found in the streets around us, in forms that we not think are art:
That everyone has different tastes in art.
How to express our opinions about different works of art.
That art can be in many forms, not just painted pictures.
That graffiti is a recognised form of street art.
To understand that art can convey a message from the artist to the viewer.
How to create 3D images on paper.
How to create a graffiti tag.
To understand what tone and shade is.
This term in French we will be looking at 'Ma Famile'. In this unit we will:
- The names of our family members
- To understand the use of 'gender' when using French determiners
- To discuss our siblings
- Introduce our family members to others
- Count up to 100
- Recount our family members' age to others
- We will be investigating what a network is and how networks link together to form the internet and world wide web.
- We will also be seeing how things are owned on the Internet and how content can be created.
- We will recap on how to keep safe online.
We will be looking at how how the world is organised geographically:
- What a continent is.
- What a country is.
- What a county is.
- How coastal areas in the UK differ.
Autumn 1
History Topic
Our History topic is an environmental topic called Can the Past Power our Future?
We will be looking at how people crated power in the past, the effects of the Industrial Revolution in the local area (with a focus on Cromford and Richard Arkwright) and how our power might be created in the future.
Science Topic
In Science we will be learning all about electricity. We will understand what it is? where it comes from? and how it is created?
We will work practically to create circuits and learn how to problem solve incomplete circuits. We will learn about switches and how to build one. We will also explore conductors and insulators which will form the basis of our investigation.
Sticky Knowledge Mats
We will be learning to programme using the a screen turtle. We will learn how to to create loops for a repeating design to create our own fabric design. The programme we are using is called Turtle Academy and can be accessed online at home as well as in our lessons in school.
We will be looking at Musical Structures and also finding out if music bring us together. We will also be researching the life of the composer Mozart.
Design and Technology:
We will be using our design skills, structural knowledge and knowledge of electrical circuits to create a windmill.
Children will have the knowledge and skills to present themselves both orally and in written form in French.
- Use basic greetings in French
- Ask somebody how they are feeling and reply when asked.
- Ask somebody their name in French and reply when asked.
- Recall numbers 1-20 in French.
- Ask somebody how old they are in French and reply when asked.
- Ask somebody where they live in French and reply when asked.
- Express my nationality in French and understand basic gender agreement rules.