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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Autumn 2

Our Confidence Stars 13th December 2024

Our Resilience Stars of the Week 

On the case of the mysterious graffiti artist 

Enjoying our class reward

We have achieved our class target of lining up silently and walking to the playground. For our reward we decided to bring in our favourite toy to play with. 

We can’t wait to achieve our next one. What reward shall we pick next?

Our Respect Stars of the Week 

Autumn Fun at Lunchtime

Children in Need Day 

Our Responsibility Stars of the Week

Our Pride Stars of the Week


Drama in English

As part of our topic "Can We Find Art in the Street?", with have been using drama to bring some of Banksy's characters to life, so that we can write a biography about the character we chose. 

