Foundation Subjects
Spring Term 1
In Science this term, our topic is ‘Living things and their habitats. In this topic, we will be using and creating our own classification keys. We will be finding out about the scientist, Carl Linnaeus. Also, we will be investigating microorganisms and using our investigative skills to see just how gross we can cultivate mould!
The National Curriculum states pupils should be taught to:
- describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals
- give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics
Our key question in History, is “Were the Vikings Really Vile?”. We will asking why the Viking civilisation has gained such a bad reputation and investigating whether this reputation is a fair one. We will be looking at the Viking invasion of Britain and investigating how Britain today has been influenced by the Vikings.
In Computing, our first lesson is “Copyright and Ownership”, looking at the use of search tools to find and access online content that is appropriate for reuse in our own work. We will then design our own website.
We will be focusing on Design and Technology this term and linking with our History unit of Vikings, we will research why the Vikings needed to build boats in the first place and why they were made in that well-known design and shape. From this. the children will create a Success Criteria. They will then design their own Viking style longship and evaluate against their own success criteria.
Autumn Term 2
In Science this term we will be exploring the topic “Electricity”. We will build on previous work covered on electricity by constructing a variety of electrical circuits, representing them using recognised symbols in a diagram. Pupils will associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit. They will compare and give reasons for variations on how components function in circuits including on/off position of switches.
Our Art & Design topic question this term is ‘How has Picasso influenced Modern Art?’ During this topic we will be learning about the artist and how he represented different emotions through the use of colour and the technique called “Cubism”. We will investigate how Picasso used perspective in his own original way to create his most famous pieces of art. We will sketch ourselves from different perspectives and use these designs to create a self-portrait in the style of Picasso.
In History we will be learning about “The Shang Dynasty of China”. During this topic we will use our chronological knowledge and previous learning to help us identify where the Shang Dynasty took place in our world’s history. We will then explore the hierarchy and how life compared for the different classes of people living in China at that time. We will explore artefacts found by historians and consider the questions posed, how historians found out what the artefacts were and what they tell us about society during the Shang Dynasty. To complete the Topic we will use our knowledge to create a PowerPoint of the Shang Dynasty and present it to the other classes.
Autumn 1 - Foundation Subjects:
Our Geography focus this term is ‘Does pollution affect evolution?’ During this topic we will be learning about significant individuals and their contribution towards reversing the signs of climate change. We will explore and research the damaging effects plastic and pollution has on the environment and the impact it has currently and for our future. As our research continues we will delve into the reasons many animals are endangered or extinct. To find out about how and why animals are becoming extinct we will be using our geographical skills to locate countries and their human geographical features. This will help us gather an understanding of their climate change footprint and what the country needs to do to help the wildlife. As part of our topic, we will be visiting the aquarium “The Deep” in Hull.
In Art, we will be looking at the work of artists who use recyclable materials to create their work before planning, designing and making our own project in Design & Technology. The project involves creating a sea monster powered by a pneumatic system to devour pollution in our oceans.
In Science this term we will be exploring the theory of evolution. We will be focusing on developing our scientific enquiry skills to ask relevant questions, make detailed observations and use and present scientific evidence to conclude our findings. We will begin the topic exploring inheritance – specifically looking at our own families and determining what features we inherit from our parents and grandparents to then looking at animal inheritance. Later in the topic, we will explore the theory of adaptation looking at how animals and plants have adapted to live in their environments. To conclude the topic we will look at scientific theorists who have develop the theory of evolution and debate ‘Should humans control evolution?’