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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Spring 1

Friday 17th January- Our fantastic Woodbridge Values winners for Aspiration.

Friday 17th January- Checking our Cracking Maths! We only have 3 mins to do our target X tables!

Monday 13th January- Drawing to scale as part of our topic on ratio.

Friday 10th January- Reconstruction Relay. We were all Saxon spies, spying on Viking sailing ships. We had a short amount of time to memorise details and then draw them on paper. We had to reconstruct the ship as accurately as possible from a drawing. Take a look at our wonderful drawings which were SO accurate.

The winners!

Friday 10th January- Working hard on our GaPS practice adding parenthesis to sentences.

Wednesday 8th January- Look at the fantastic work we’ve done in Computing, changing variables in a computer programme.
