Rabbits 2022-2023
Year 4 silent disco - everyone had great fun!
14th July - aspiration award winners
Sports day - Year 4 had a brilliant time and showed great sportsmanship
23rd June - confidence award winners
Year 4 all had so much fun doing Tough Runner together!
Rabbits singing Blackbird by The Beatles

16th June - Respect award winners!
Here's a few action shots from Sports Day practice
9th June - pride award winners and pen licence earners!
19th May - resilience award winners
In DT, we looked at how the discovery of cacao has changed the world.
12th May - Confidence award winners
We made Rocky Road as part of our Enterprise Theme. The winning recipe from each class is going to Alfreton Tea Rooms to see who has made the best!
5th May - responsibility award winners
Today's Coronation celebrations
28th April - aspiration award winners
21st April - respect award winners
What an amazing afternoon we've had! Through drama, we have learnt so much about the Mayan Civilization and the discovery of chocolate.
We joined Badgers for music today. We learnt about the tempo and dynamics of Blackbird by The Beatles.

In PE this half term, we are practising many wheelchair skills. For our first week, we started with maneuvering around the space and eachother.

24th March - responsibility award winners
In computing this week, we have been trying animation using Powerpoint skills.

17th March - respect and confidence award winners
In Science, we have been learning about the functions of different parts of the digestive system.

3rd March - resilience award winners
For World Book Day, we celebrated a love of reading by dressing up as an inspiring and exciting word. Here they all are along with a wordle made of their chosen vocabulary.

17th February - pride award winners
We have been hard at work writing Greek myths in English.

In Maths, we have been solving fraction word problems.

10th February - creativity award winners
3rd February - responsibility award winners
27th January - respect award winners
In Maths this week, we have been using resources to represent fractions. In Science, we have been classifying types of animals in different ways.

20th January - Aspiration award winners
14th January - confidence award winners
Monday 9th January - we kicked off our new topic with Greek food tasting!

16th December - Pride award winners
9th December - aspiration award
2nd December - resilience award winners
Rabbits made pan flutes in Science to investigate pitch

25th November - respect award winners
Practising our handball skills in PE this week

Friday 18th November - responsibility award winners
11th November - creativity award winners
4th November - confidence award winners
4th November - Creating our own natural artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy

21st October - resilience award winners
14th October - creativity award winners
13th October - Year 4 had a great day at Cromford Mills, learning about Richard Arkwright’s achievements, touring the historic sites of the village and constructing our own Lego waterwheels!
7th October - respect award winners
This week in PE, we have been practising different throwing techniques

30th September - Responsibility award winners
Fantastic Forest School session this week

23rd September - Pride award winners
Rabbits have been learning about electricity and making complete circuits