Summer Term 2023
Summer Term 2
In our topic question: ‘Can an island be self-sufficient?’, we will be looking into the different types of islands. We will look into economic activity between countries and how nations distribute their own natural resources. We will have our own go at trading then discuss if all trade is ethical. To conclude our unit, we will research an island and make comparisons with Alfreton before giving a detailed presentation to see whether we could or would like to live on our chosen island.
We will continue with our topic on Light by investigating how shadows are formed. The children will devise their own investigations to find out if the distance between object and light source or the angle of the object affects the size and shape of the shadow. To complete the unit, we will find out how we see colour.
This term, we will look into warm and cool colours. We will create our own art influence by the Hokusai and his ‘The Great Wave off Kanagawa’.
Summer Term 1
Design & Technology:
We will be focusing on the cooking part of Design and Technology this term. The children will be sampling a range of sweet and savoury scones, researching popular flavours before creating and baking their own for an end of term ‘Afternoon Tea’. The children will learn about food hygiene, how to avoid cross contamination as well as looking back on the food groups and how to manage a healthy diet.
During these sessions, our focus will be on locational knowledge of the following: latitude, longitude, equator, Northern and Southern hemispheres, the tropics of Cancer/Capricorn, Antarctic Circle, prime/Greenwich meridian, time zones.
In this ‘Light’ unit, Year 6 will learn about light, how we see, shadows, reflection and refraction. The children will learn how light travels and how this enables us to see objects. They will demonstrate their knowledge by designing and conducting their own investigations. They will work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate refraction, carrying out some fascinating experiments into the effects of bending light. Furthermore, they will have chance to predict what will happen in an exciting investigation into the visible spectrum. They will work in a hands-on way to explore how light creates the colours we see. They will also learn about the anatomy of the human eye and how it allows us to see.