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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Year 3 Home learning

Friday 17th July 2020




Perimeter of Figures Lesson 5: Measuring Perimeter of Shapes

Our final lesson of the term sees us measuring a variety of shapes. We need a ruler for this one!


Work your way through the slides measuring as you go. Some of the questions ask you to calculate the perimeter from the measurements that they have already given you.



Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Watch the clip:

Discuss the questions with someone at home. Ask your family members: where they would go if they could go anywhere? Who would they take? What would they take? Why this place? What makes this place special?

Independent task

You can choose one of the following:

  • Write a diary/recount of the adventure.
  • Build a rocket in class and let the children decide where it is going.
  • Write a holiday brochure page for their destination.
  • Write dialogue between the boy and the alien.
  • Write about where you would go holiday if you could go anywhere


Joe Wicks - 8 minute work out


Read your book for 15 minutes. Write a quiz about your book and ask a member of your family to read it and complete it.

Thursday 16th July 2020



Perimeter of Figures Lesson 4: Measuring Perimeter.

Today we challenge our maths skills by using squares that are 2cm! Knowledge of our counting in 2’s and 2 times table are important in our first activities, but then we move to 3 and 4. Have a practice of counting in these numbers and writing down the sequence to begin with so you have a ready-made resource to support your learning throughout the lesson.




Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Look at the image shown. Discuss the questions posed. Have you ever felt like this? What made you feel like this and how did you stop feeling like this? Consider the character’s body language and the messages it gives us about the mood. Predict what you think may have happened to the character.


We’re going to watch a music video today. Music videos are a great way to infer meaning about a song and it helps us to understand the meanings behind the lyrics and the messages song writers are trying to convey. Watch the music video ‘Titanium’ by David Guetta:

Pause the clip after 1 minute. What do you think has happened? How is the character feeling? What do you think will happen next? Use the body language and the setting to help you develop your inference answers.

Continue to watch the clip and then discuss the questions with someone at home.

Independent task:

You can choose one of the following:

  • If you could have a superpower what would it be?
  • You wake up one morning to find you have incredible strength, what do you do? How would your life change?
  • Design you own superhero, what powers, costume, name would he have?
  • Write a newspaper report of the events from the video, interview the teacher, parents and policemen.


Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your school book for 15 minutes. Choose five new words find out the meaning and write a sentence for each one.


Pick one of the following activities to do this afternoon:

  1. Make a poster for your new teacher next year (This is probably better suited for Squirrels as Foxes will have Mr. Rowe again, but I’m sure he will love to learn more facts about you!) Make sure you include fun facts e.g. Pets, Nicknames, favourite colour, food and activities.
  2. Do some baking (always get permission from your adult first!) Send your pictures, we would love to see what you have made.
  3. Design a model. Use recycling from around the house to see what you can make.
  4. Make a den and have a picnic/snack in there.
  5. Play a board game with someone in your family.



Wednesday 15th July 2020



Perimeter of Figures Lesson 3: Measuring Perimeter.

We continue measuring perimeter today, this time we’re on the hunt for mistakes that have been made by other people when they measured the total distance around shapes. Can you be a dedicated detective and spot the mistakes?


We move on to drawing our own shapes but with a set perimeter – can you draw a shape with a perimeter of 8cm? What shape will you come up with?


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Watch the clip ‘Pigeon impossible’

Discuss the key questions as well as considering the audience and the genre / mood created from this short clip.


Independent task:

You can choose one of the following:

  • Create a comic strip for the story
  • Write or act out more missions for Walter that are spoilt by the pigeon
  • Film a news report live from the scene
  • Defend the pigeons actions in court with a persuasive speech


Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read your favourite book. Write about who your favourite character is and why.



Choose from the following:

  • Joe Wicks work out
  • go for a walk, run or bike ride
  • DTF Fitness cards

Tuesday 14th July 2020



Perimeter of Figures Lesson 2: Measuring Perimeter

Today we learn that the total length around the shape is called the ‘perimeter’. Begin with making shapes on squared paper and counting the number of sides of the squares on the outside of the shape. It is very important not to count the lines inside the shape!


We continue the lesson by measuring the perimeter of a variety of shapes and discover that different shapes can have the same perimeter!


Play TT Rockstar’s for 15 minutes starting with your challenge activity.


Break- Get some fresh air or


Now that you have all met your teachers we’d like you to write a letter to your teacher.


  • What you enjoy doing at home
  • What hobbies / interests you have
  • What you like to do at school
  • What your ambitions are for the future
  • What you are good at in school
  • What you would like to do better at in school
  • What are you most looking forward to in Year 4

If you would prefer to do a video to your teacher instead of writing a letter please post them onto the portfolio so your new teacher can access it.  

Lunch – Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read a book of your choice to a family member (siblings or parents). Ask them what their favourite part was.

Last week afternoon activities!


Another set of three activities to get through for the afternoon...


Read through the poem ‘memories’ and discuss your thoughts and feelings that come up from it. You might want to write them down.




Have a go at planning your perfect party! It's the end of the year and it’s time to get down and boogie!


Design an island

Thinking about our topic lessons get creative and design your own island, make sure it has a capital city and a coast! Everything else is up to you!



Monday 13th July 2020



Perimeter of Figures Lesson 1: Measuring around a shape.

Another Monday and another new topic in maths! Our last one of the term and we are learning how to measure the total length around a shape. We start by using some wool, yarn or string (whatever is to hand) to follow the outline of shapes, have a ruler handy to measure in cm how long the outline of the shape is.


We then move on to using our squared paper to help us measure – each square is 1cm which is quite handy for our measuring!


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes!

Break - Get some fresh air or


Watch the video ‘The present’ Discuss the questions on the slides with someone at home. Try to use evidence to support your ideas. Think about what message this story has taught us and how we can change our attitude towards others. Also consider the impact darkness and video games had on the boy’s mental health. Write a list of other activities the boy could do to help his mental health and use these during the 6 weeks holidays too.


Independent task:

Write or record a video diary entry as though you were the boy. Explain how you felt about the dog initially and how and why your feelings changed.



Lunch- Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your reading book for 15 minutes and record it in your reading record.

Last week activities!


We have put our heads together to come up with some activities to be fun and help you think about how much you have done over the last year and to think about the year ahead (and a wind down ready for the holidays!).


Each afternoon there will be a number of activities for you to choose from, it’s time to use your memories and creativity!


For this afternoon, let’s look at what you are thinking about going into your next class and helping your teacher out a little bit! Complete the activity to tell your teacher a little bit about yourself.



Think about the things that are on your mind ahead of next year, write them down and put them in the bag (or write them down on the bag) and talk about them with grown-ups at home. Sharing worries can often help them to be less worrying.



Discuss which celebrity you would like to be your teacher and explain why. Maybe draw a picture to show what a lesson with them may look like.



Friday 10th July 2020



Lines and Shapes Lesson 10 – Making 3D Shapes from Nets.


Today we are going to be making a variety of 3D shapes using their nets. Remember a net is a pattern that you can cut and fold to make a model of a 3D shape. We start by making shapes that resemble items we might find in the kitchen, a box of cereal and a tin of beans. We then make a tent, but unfortunately, it’s a bit small for camping!

There are more shapes to build, remember to take your time cutting them out – make sure you’re neat and don’t get wrapped up in too much sellotape!


Don’t forget to take pictures of your amazing shapes and share them on Class Dojo!


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Spelling: write a sentence for each of the homophones.



Reread the non-chronological report of the bean plant life cycle. Read the questions carefully. Highlight the key words in the questions and then locate them using scanning to find the key word and skimming to read quickly through the sentence. Remember to include evidence and punctuate your sentences correctly.

Joe Wicks - 8 minute work out


Read your book for 15 minutes. Write a quiz about your book and ask a member of your family to read it and complete it.


Choose from 1 of the 3 activites on the slides - GoNoodle, Cosmic Yoga or Joe Wicks.


Today we continue thinking about “Diversity”. We look at some questions about being different and welcoming new people into a class or friendship group.

Thursday 9th July 2020




Interactive Lesson – BBC Bitesize


Today we go online for a BBC Bitesize lesson on 3D shapes. There is a recap of the work we have done so far. Watch the short videos and work through the activities identifying the properties of the shapes and completing the tasks.



Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Do now: write sentences using the verbs given.



Read the report about the bean plant life cycle. On the following slides there are passages taken from the text and sequencing questions specific to that passage. Reread the passage and order the processes explained in the text. It might be useful to highlight each of the sentences in the questions using four different colours then highlight the sentences in the text to see the order they take place. When you have completed that using sentences, diagrams or both complete the water cycle.  

Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your school book for 15 minutes. Choose five new words find out the meaning and write a sentence for each one.

Science –
This is our last lesson on flowering plants. To finish off our topic, you will need to make a poster/model/presentation of what we have learnt so far. Be as creative as you like! The slides will give you some more ideas. We can’t wait to see your minds get creative! Have fun.


Music- use your charanga logins


Wednesday 8th July 2020



Lines and Shapes Lesson 8 – Describing Three-Dimensional Shapes.


It’s time to get our thinking caps on today, we start by looking at a shape and then describing it. It’s important to use our mathematical language to explain what you see.


Remember back to our work with different types of lines, and our knowledge of angles to help us. Are there any vertical or horizontal lines? Are there parallel lines or do they meet to make a right angle? How many faces does the shape have?


We also recap types of lines in our guided practice where we identify lines in objects.


We still need our detective skills for our greater depth task where we are given a clue about the face of a shape.


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Spelling: write a sentence using the words given.


Adverbial clause

An adverbial clause is a subordinating clause that begins with a subordinating conjunction. Read through the examples and choose the correct subordinating conjunction to complete the adverbial clause.


Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read your favourite book. Write about who your favourite character is and why.



See the file for Sports day. This includes how to participate and which activities to take part in and score yourself in. Try to include your whole family.


Tuesday 7th July 2020



Lines and Shapes Lesson 7 – Making Three Dimensional Shapes


We continue our investigation of three-dimensional shapes today with a look at cubes and trying to make them. Take some blue tac or clay and get squishing! We make a variety of different shapes and the next challenge is for you to try and draw them! Have a go and try your best.


Our greater depth challenge today is to compare two different three-dimensional shapes.



Play TT Rockstar’s for 15 minutes starting with your challenge activity.


Break- Get some fresh air or


Do now: write sentences using the verbs given.



A conjunction is word that is used to join two subjects or two predicates. Read the examples then have a go at completing your own using the word bank. When you are confident complete the sentences using the word bank. If you get stuck use this website to help you:  

Lunch – Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read a book of your choice to a family member (siblings or parents). Ask them what their favourite part was.


Our geographical journey takes us from Japan to Brazil! We briefly recap our knowledge of Japan and its geographical features and then journey across continents and oceans to Brazil. We focus our detective skills on Rio de Janero, the last host city of the Olympic Games and make comparisons between the countries and capital cities.  


Remember to keep a look out for the physical and human features, the climate and biomes. Could you record a video report with your top 5 facts for each?  


Monday 6th July 2020



Lines and Shapes Lesson 6 – Making Three-Dimensional Shapes

 Our lesson today starts with looking at a net. A net is a pattern that you can cut and fold to make a model of a 3D shape. We look at the different shapes and identify the number of faces, edges and corners. We introduce the mathematical term for corner, which is a vertex, vertices are a number of corners.  Shows an animation of a net turning into a 3D shape.

And you can see some common 3D shapes here:


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes!


Try the greater depth challenge.

Break - Get some fresh air or


Spelling: use the pyramid to practice the spellings given.


Fronted adverbials.

A fronted adverbial tells the reader, when, where or how an event or action took place. Read the examples of a fronted adverbial then click on the video to find out more about how to write fronted adverbials. There are two sentences without fronted adverbials. The adverbials have been highlighted for you to move to the beginning of the sentence – remember to check it makes sense!

Lunch- Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your reading book for 15 minutes and record it in your reading record.


Today we’re heading away from Europe to the Far East! We investigate the capital city of Japan and make a fact file of Tokyo! We look at where Japan is, who are its nearest neighbours, what physical and human geographical features there are and what the climate is. We even take a quick look at the weather today and compare it to where we are!



Friday 3rd July 2020



Lines and Shapes Lesson 5: Drawing 2-Dimensional Shapes

Using our skills with angles and lines today we start to draw two dimensional shapes. We use a ruler to make sure our lines are straight and measured to the right length.  Use the lines in your book to help with your first line and measure from this. Remember to keep your fingers in the middle of the ruler and away from the edge or you might create a bumpy shape!


Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Spelling: write the contracted form of the words given.



Today we are going to be learning how to write a good introduction for your non-chronological report. Read the examples given and discuss what do you notice about the features and language techniques used. Use these techniques to write your own introduction for your non-chronological report – remember it needs to draw the reader in!


Joe Wicks - 8 minute work out


Read your book for 15 minutes. Write a quiz about your book and ask a member of your family to read it and complete it.


Choose from one of the following links:

Joe Wicks

Cosmic Yoga

Go Noodle


We are continuing to learn about discrimination and how we are all responsible for how we treat others. Watch this clip about discrimination: Then consider: If you were the Prime Minister, what would you do to make sure that everyone is treated fairly no matter what?

What could YOU do to make sure that the people around you do not get discriminated against?

Thursday 2nd July 2020


Maths - See class dojo for the worksheets.

Lines and Shapes Lesson 4: 2 Dimensional Shapes

We start today’s lesson by using our mathematical knowledge and vocabulary to describe a shape. Think about our recent lessons and those on angles. How many lines does the shape have? How many angles can you see inside it? Can you name the angles? Are there any parallel, horizontal, vertical or perpendicular lines?

Keep these questions to hand throughout the lesson to help you describe the shapes you see using detailed mathematical vocabulary.


Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!



Break- Get some fresh air or


Do now: Identify which of the sentences are commands, questions, exclamations and statements.



In order to write our non-chronological report we need to decide on a plant to write about and to collect information. In today’s lesson choose one of the options provided and gather as much information as possible to help you write your non-chronological report. Record your information in the table provided under the correct headings.

Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your school book for 15 minutes. Choose five new words find out the meaning and write a sentence for each one.

Science –

Today we are going to learn about the life cycle of a plant. Can you remember from Infants what a life-cycle is? We will spend some time thinking about this. We have a video to watch and some quizzes to do online too! Then you can either complete the worksheet or show in your own creative way, the different stages in the life cycle of a plant. Have fun!

Music- use your charanga logins


Wednesday 1st July 2020



Lines and Shapes – Lesson 3: Vertical and Horizontal

We continue our investigation of lines and shapes today identifying lines that go up and down and from left to right straight across. These lines are all around us and are vertical and horizontal.

Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills. After a practical activity (you’ll need some string and a blob of bluetac or something to weigh one end) we identify and record both types of lines around us.


Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Spelling: write the contracted form of the words given.



In this writing topic we are going to exploring non-chronological reports by reading them and identifying the features to help us write our own. In today’s lesson we are going to be looking at the features of a non-chronological report and discussing the impact they have on our writing. Read the two non-chronological reports and discuss what features you notice that are different to a story. Using the features checklist go through the two texts and highlight the features found. Use these checklists to decide which non-chronological report is the best.


Greater depth challenge- give feedback to the writer about how they can improve their non-chronological report using the checklist.

Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read your favourite book. Write about who your favourite character is and why.



Warm up

Complete the DTF Fitness cards – 1 minute per card.

Cool down


This term we have been looking at Hinduism. In today’s lesson we are going to be learning about Diwali. We will be learning how it is celebrated and how Hindus celebrate the festival. Watch the video to find out more:

Tuesday 30th June 2020



Lines and Shapes – Lesson 2: Parallel Lines

Moving on from perpendicular today we are looking for lines that are parallel to each other. We look for parallel lines around us and identify them with a small arrow on each line. We use letters to identify the ends of the lines to help us record which lines are parallel. We use capital letters as well as lines in shapes for our tasks.


Think about railway tracks and the sides of a door frame, these lines are parallel because they are the same distance apart.


Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Play TT Rockstar’s for 15 minutes starting with your challenge activity.



Break- Get some fresh air or


Do now: add the missing punctuation to the sentences.



Reread the non-chronological report of the water cycle. Read the questions carefully. Highlight the key words in the questions and then locate them using scanning to find the key word and skimming to read quickly through the sentence. Remember to include evidence and punctuate your sentences correctly.

Lunch – Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read a book of your choice to a family member (siblings or parents). Ask them what their favourite part was.


Today we journey to Scandanavia! After a quick recap of maps and geographical features to help our investigations we use our I.T. skills to research Sweden. There are some key questions to answer when you create your fact file and you can use this map to see the country and its neighbours in more detail. Can you spot Sweden on a map of the world? Use these two handy websites to start your investigation National Geographic Kids and think about how you could present your findings – perhaps a short video?

Monday 29th June 2020



Lines and Shapes Lesson 1: Perpendicular Lines

We start the week with a new subject in maths – lines and shapes. Following on from our work on angles last week today we look at the lines that make right angles. Using our right-angle checker, we find the lines that are perpendicular and make a right angle.



Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!

Break - Get some fresh air or


Spelling: write the contracted form of the words given.



For the next three weeks we are going to be looking at non-fiction texts, specifically non-chronological reports. Read the report about the water cycle. On the following slides there are passages taken from the text and sequencing questions specific to that passage. Reread the passage and order the processes explained in the text. It might be useful to highlight each of the sentences in the questions using four different colours then highlight the sentences in the text to see the order they take place. When you have completed that using sentences, diagrams or both complete the water cycle.

Lunch- Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your reading book for 15 minutes and record it in your reading record.

Topic: Comparing Geographical Features

Our topic lesson today continues our geographical journey around Europe and we finish by making comparisons between countries and their geographical features.

To help us do this we look at maps and what they tell us. Think back to our other topic lessons where we have seen different features shown on maps such as mountains and height above sea level, cities and capital cities, rivers and lakes, borders and the coast.



Friday 26th June 2020



Angles Lesson 7 – Making Turns

We use our knowledge of right angles to make turns on a game board to avoid obsticles and move towards a destination. We link a quarter to a right-angle and use clockwise to help us with the direction.

Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Spelling: practice spelling the words given using the pyramid method.



Write up your own Greek myth using the planning sheet, comic strip and the features list in the PowerPoint. Remember to include speech, adjectives to describe, adverbs and fronted adverbials.


Joe Wicks - 8 minute work out


Read your book for 15 minutes. Write a quiz about your book and ask a member of your family to read it and complete it.


Practise your ball skills. Take it easy and be careful not to do too much due to the hot weather. Look on the slides below for more advice.


In today’s lesson we are learning about diversity and Martin Luther King. Watch the video: and answer the questions posed.

Thursday 25th June 2020



Angles Lesson 6: Comparing Angles

Our lesson today starts with comparing angles within the letters that make up the word ENGLAND. We identify right angles and acute angles but also find angles that are bigger than right angles.  These angles are called obtuse and we use our angle tester to help us identify the three different types of angles in a variety of shapes and places.


Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Do now: underline the fronted adverbials.



Using the plan you created yesterday, write a comic strip for your Greek myth. You can do this using the format given or you can do it on Powerpoint or Keynote. Use speech bubbles to show what the characters will say to each other. These will be important when you write your myth up tomorrow.

Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your school book for 15 minutes. Choose five new words find out the meaning and write a sentence for each one.

Science –

We begin by checking how our experiment is going. Write down your findings and check if your predictions were correct.

 Today we will learn about how water is transported through plants. You will conduct a simple experiment to test how water moves through plants.

You will make a prediction, set up an investigation and make a note of your results over the weekend.

Music- use your charanga logins


Wednesday 24th June 2020



Angles Lesson 5: Comparing Angles

We start today by identifying right angles in letters, but not all the letters we have include a right angle. Some of the angles we find are smaller – these angles are called acute angles. We go on to use our right-angle tester again to identify right angles in different shapes.

Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Spelling: add the suffixes ly to the root words.  



  1. Reread the story of King Midas and the Golden touch.
  2. Watch the skittles video. Think about how his power affects his everyday life.
  3. Decide if you could have a magic touch, what would it be? Consider how it would make your life better and how it could make your life worse.
  4. Plan your own Greek myth based on King Minos and the golden touch. Use the planning sheet to help you.


Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read your favourite book. Write about who your favourite character is and why.



Warm up

Complete the DTF Fitness cards – 1 minute per card.

Cool down


We are continuing to learn about Hinduism. In today’s lesson we are learning about the Celebration Holi. Watch the clip and complete the activities.

Tuesday 23rd June 2020



Angles Lesson 4: Finding Right Angles

We start today’s lesson by making a right-angle tester and using it to investigate where in the room we can find right-angles. We learn that we identify a right angle by making a small square in the angle instead of a curve for any other angle. We progress our learning to compare angles and identify right angles in shapes.


Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Play TT Rockstar’s for 15 minutes starting with your challenge activity.



Break- Get some fresh air or


Do now: underline the verbs in the text.



Reread ‘Theseus and the minotaur’. Complete the sequencing questions by matching the events in the order they happened. Read the final paragraph and decide what you think might happen next in the story.


  • What will King Aegeus will do when he sees the black sails returning home
  • How Theseus and Ariadne are feeling
  • How will Theseus and Ariadne be greeted when they return home?



Lunch – Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read a book of your choice to a family member (siblings or parents). Ask them what their favourite part was.

Topic: The Weather of Cyprus and Austria

Our geographical adventure continues! We investigate climate, biomes and geographical features that affect the weather.

We finish the lesson by creating and presenting our own weather bulletin!

Monday 22nd June 2020



Angles Lesson 3 – Finding Angles in Shapes

Today we focus on finding angles in different shapes, identifying where they are and how they are made. You get to investigate angles by making your own shapes on an interactive pinboard before matching shapes to the number of angles and identifying the number of angles within a variety of shapes.


Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!

Break - Get some fresh air or


Spelling: add the suffix ly to the root word.



Read ‘Theseus and the minotaur’. In today’s lesson you are going to answer sequencing questions. Read the example given and then match the events in the order they happened. Once you have done that write answer the questions as Theseus on what happened in the Labyrinth.  


Lunch- Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your reading book for 15 minutes and record it in your reading record.

Topic: The Weather of Germany and Turkey

Our first topic lesson this week investigates the weather in different countries. We continue our geographical journey to two European nations looking at the physical features that affect the weather.

More investigating and research to find out where these countries are and what their climate is.

Friday 19th June 2020 


Lesson 2 – Making Angles

We finish the week with our second lesson looking at how angles are made. We start with clocks again and move onto looking at capital letters. We also learn that angles occur on both sides of the straight lines. (Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.)


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!

Break- Get some fresh air or


Spelling: add the suffixes ed and ing to the root words.



In today’s lesson you are going to be using adverbs to explain how the fairy and King Midas spoke. Remember an adverb is a word that describes a verb. Go through the slides and choose a word from the word bank to write about how the characters spoke. For your independent work write the sentences in your book using the word bank to include an adverb. To challenge yourself to add adverbs to your own sentences about your character.


Joe Wicks - 8 minute work out


Read your book for 15 minutes. Write a quiz about your book and ask a member of your family to read it and complete it.


Follow the slides to work through the DTF fitness cards. Remember to do the warm-up and cool-down.


In today’s lesson we will be looking at the differences and similarities between us all. We spend time specifically focusing on what is special about us and how your similarities help us make relationships and our differences make us unique.



Thursday 18th June 2020




Lesson 1 – Making Angles


We start a new subject in maths today, angles. We start by looking at the hands on clocks to see how they make different angles when telling the time.


We learn that an angle occurs when two straight lines meet at a point.  We test your learning in the worksheet asking you to identify lines and shapes that make angles.


Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Do now: speech marks.


In today’s lesson you are going to be learning how to punctuate speech correctly. Speech is repeating the exact words as the person speaking and is always punctuated with speech marks and a comma OR exclamation / question mark. Read through the slides to help you develop your understanding of how to punctuate speech correctly. For your independent learning task you need to copy the sentences into your book and punctuate them correctly. Challenge yourself by writing 3 of your own sentences including speech about what your character might say.


Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your school book for 15 minutes. Choose five new words find out the meaning and write a sentence for each one.

Science –

Today we look at different plants from around the world. We will locate some of these plants on a world map. Then we will look at the word ‘adapt’. This means change. Some plants have adapted some of their parts in order to survive better in more difficult environments. We are going to think about desert plants and how they are adapted to survive in dry habitats. You will write about how a plant is adapted to survive in its environment. You can use the slides to help you or research your own.

Music- use your charanga logins


Wednesday 17th June 2020



Lesson 27 – Show More Than One Whole One


Our challenge today moves on to showing how we can share equally and have more than one whole one. We use pictures to help us share four between three and notice that the numerator can be bigger than the denominator.


Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Spelling: add the suffixes ed and ing to the root words.



Reread the story of King Midas and the golden touch. In today’s lesson we are going to be focusing on the dialogue between King Midas and the fairy. Read the section highlighted in the slides. Using this passage create speech bubbles to show the dialogue between the two characters. In your speech bubbles ensure you include the speech ONLY and either an exclamation mark (!) or question mark (?). We will need these to help us punctuate speech tomorrow.


Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read your favourite book. Write about who your favourite character is and why.



Warm up

Complete the DTF Fitness cards – 1 minute per card.

Cool down


In today’s lesson we will be continuing to learn about Hinduism. We will specifically be looking at Gods and Goddess, why they are important to Hindus and the stories behind them.


Tuesday 16th June 2020



Lesson 26 – Sharing More Than One Whole One


Today we continue to look at sharing more than one whole one between different numbers. We start by sharing between 4 and use a number line to help us in our work.


We move on to filling in the missing fractions on a number line.


Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Play TT Rockstar’s for 15 minutes starting with your challenge activity.



Break- Get some fresh air or


Do now: underline the adverbs in the text.



Reread ‘Theseus and the minotaur’. Using your skimming and scanning skills answer the questions about the text. Where possible use evidence to support your answers.


Lunch – Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read a book of your choice to a family member (siblings or parents). Ask them what their favourite part was.


The Geography of Italy and Russia

Our journey across Europe continues, this time stopping in Italy and Russia to investigate the geography of these two countries. Using maps and your I.T. skills we build up a picture of physical and human geographical features to complete a fact file and compare similarities.


Monday 15th June 2020



Lesson 25 – Sharing More Than One Whole One


Today we look adding thirds in different ways using pictures. We move onto sharing pies equally between groups of people. We draw pictures to help us throughout the lesson. Our worksheet asks us to share pizza and cake!


Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!

Break - Get some fresh air or


Spelling: use the pyramid method to practice spelling the words given.



Read ‘Theseus and the minotaur’. In today’s lesson you are going to answer sequencing questions. Read the example given and then match the events in the order they happened. Once you have done that write about how Theseus was feeling throughout the story. Use the word bank to help you and put your ideas into a timeline.


Lunch- Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your reading book for 15 minutes and record it in your reading record.


The Geography of France and Spain.

Today we journey across Europe to look at two countries that are joined together. We look at the geographical features of the border and learn about human and physical features and what they look like.


We investigate the countries and your task is to complete a fact file before we compare similarities and differences.


We look at facts of altitude and how they might help our Olympian Mo Farah.


Friday 12th June 2020 



Lesson 24 – Sharing a Whole One

We finish the week by sharing a whole one into different equal amounts. We start by using fractions that we know – halves, quarters and thirds.


We use our skills at drawing and using diagrams and bar models throughout the lesson to understand how many equal shares we can get from our whole one.


Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Spelling: using the pyramid method, practice spelling the words on the slides.



Reread ‘The story of Icarus’. Using your skimming and scanning skills answer the questions about the text. Where possible use evidence to support your answers.


Joe Wicks - 8 minute work out


Read your book for 15 minutes. Write a quiz about your book and ask a member of your family to read it and complete it.


Joe Wicks 30 minute work out


Listen to the story Elmer the patchwork elephant. With a grown up, discuss why Elmer decides to make himself like all the other elephants. Elmer feels that he is different to the other elephants. His elephant family have always welcomed him and loved him for being him. How do we know that his elephant family love him? Why might feeling different affect Elmer’s life? On the inside of the elephant write down how Elmer might be feeling? On the outside of the elephant write down how this may affect his life. If you were Elmer’s friend how could you be a good friend, and make a difference? Suggest 3 ideas.

Thursday 11th June 2020 



Lesson 23 – Finding the Number of a Fraction 

We start today by finding half of six, we use a variety of different way and resources to do this. Our division skills are used a lot today as we divide different numbers equally to then find fractions.  

Our bar modelling skills are used throughout the lesson as we work towards dividing two-digit numbers to find fractions.  


Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills. 


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes! 


Break- Get some fresh air or 


Do now: circle the adverbs. 



Read ‘The story of Icarus’. In today’s lesson you are going to answer sequencing questions. Read the example given and then match the events in the order they happened. Once you have done that write sequence the events on a timeline to refer to later in the term. 

Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out 


Read your school book for 15 minutes. Choose five new words find out the meaning and write a sentence for each one.  


Today we focus our fact-finding skills to investigate where we live. We look first at the town, the county and then the country. Using our I.T. skills and past learning to find the capital cities of the UK and investigate the human and physical features as we develop our knowledge of geography. 

Music- use your charanga logins 


Activities for today.

Wednesday 10th June 2020 



Lesson 22 – Finding Part of a Set 

Our second lesson using part of a set starts again with the number 12 and finding a fraction of it. We find thirds, quarters and sixths of twelve using a diagram of doughnuts to help us.  


Our challenges move on to finding fractions of other numbers and our skills with bar models, pictographs and resources are used throughout the lesson.  


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes! Keep collecting those points … the battle of the classes is tight!!


Break- Get some fresh air or 


Spelling: using the pyramid method, practice spelling the words on the slides. 


Describing a setting: 

Using the word mats and your knowledge of expanded noun phrases and double noun phrases, describe one of the setting choices given. This is where your story will be set so the more detail you put in now the better your story will be.  

Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out 

Reading – 15 minutes 

Read your favourite book. Write about who your favourite character is and why. 


Science –  

Today we are going to set up an experiment to see what plants need in order to survive. We will learn about the 7 life processes that all living things need in order to live. You are going to test what plants need in order to survive by setting up an experiment. You will need to get two plants. One will be given everything plants need to survive. This will be your Control. The other will have one variable changed. Have a look at the slides which explain in more detail. This experiment will need to be checked every few days for a week to see what happens. 

English and Science slides for today

Tuesday 9th June 2020



Lesson 21 – Finding Part of a Set

Today we look at finding equal parts of a set. Firstly, counting how many items we have we then divide them to find out fractions.


We start with the number 12 and look at different ways that we can divide this number.


We use our bar model and pictograph skills to help us today, you can also use counters or other resources.


Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Do now: add the conjunctions to the sentences.


Character description:

In today’s lesson you are going to be using adjectives, noun phrases and expanded noun phrases to create a character profile of your mystical creature. Use your work from last week to help you write your sentences and the word mats given.

Lunch – Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read a book of your choice to a family member (siblings or parents). Ask them what their favourite part was.


Warm up

Complete the DTF Fitness cards – 1 minute per card.

Cool down

RE: Hindu Temples

Watch the video: Then write 5 ways Vraj suggests prayer helps him and then your own ideas how prayer can help you or others.

PE 9.6.2020 OR you can complete Joe Wicks PE lesson on Youtube

Monday 8th June 2020



Lesson 20 – Subtracting Fractions


Today we look again at subtracting fractions, starting with fifths and thirds we take away from a whole one (using pizza as our first example!).

We use our skills with bar models and shapes divided into equal parts to help us calculate our answers.


Try the greater depth challenge to extend your skills.


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!

Break - Get some fresh air or


Spelling: read the words and match them to the picture.



Conjunctions are words used to join two nouns or phrases. Read the examples on the PowerPoint. Read the sentences given and add the correct conjunction to complete the sentences.

Greater depth: write your own sentences about your mystical creature.

Lunch- Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your reading book for 15 minutes and record it in your reading record.


Today we are finding out about a very famous person. From our investigation of the origins and growth of the Olympic Games we investigate a British Olympian and the country where he was born. Use your I.T. knowledge to search for facts on the internet using resources and complete a fact file for our amazing individual and their country of birth.


Friday 5th June 2020



Fractions Lesson 19 – Subtracting Fractions

We end the week subtracting eighths using diagrams to support our learning. Remembering that we only subtract the numerator is our key learning point today and again we use our skills with bar models to support our learning. 


There is an optional greater depth task for you to tackle if you’d like a further challenge.


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Spelling: I have made some spelling mistakes in my work. Read the passage and identify and change the spelling errors.


Writing: Double noun phrases.

A double noun phrase is made up of a noun phrase + preposition + noun phrase.

For example; A majestic eagle with fiery wings.

Using the noun phrases you created yesterday and the prepositions we looked at on Wednesday write your own double noun phrases.


Joe Wicks - 8 minute work out


Write a quiz about your book and ask a member of your family to read it and complete it. Read your book for 15 minutes.


Joe Wicks 30 minute work out


In today’s lesson we will be looking at flags and what they represent. Your first task is to match the country to the correct flag. Think about what the flags represent then create your own flag. Use the boxes to draw something that represents you. This could be your family, religion, where your family originates from, your interests or favourite things. When you have completed your flag upload it to class dojo.

Thursday 4th June 2020 



Fractions Lesson 18 – Adding Fractions 

We’re back to adding fractions today, starting with sixths. We use our skills with bar models and also a number line to support our learning of adding fractions with the same denominator. The final part of our task is to identify if we can simplify our answers.  


There is an optional greater depth task for you to tackle if you’d like a further challenge.  


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes! 


Break- Get some fresh air or 


Do now: Read the passage and underline the prepositions. 


Writing: noun phrases 

Today we will be learning how to write noun phrases. A noun phrase is a group of words used to describe a noun. Choose one of the mythical creatures you will have in your story at the end of the unit of work. Use the word mat to write as many noun phrases as possible to describe the creature.  


Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out 


Read your school book for 15 minutes. Choose five new words find out the meaning and write a sentence for each one.  

Topic - Where is Greece?  

Today in our topic lesson we investigate continents, countries and capitals. We journey from the United Kingdom across Europe to the home of the Olympic Games. When we arrive in Greece, we use our skills to find out which countries share a border with Greece and discuss what makes a city a capital city. 



Music - use your Charanga logins and have fun!!


Today's Activities

Wednesday 3rd June 2020 



Fractions Lesson 17 – Comparing Fractions 

Today you use your bar modelling skills to great effect! You create bar models to compare fractions with different denominators to identify which are greater, less than or equal to.  


There is an optional greater depth task for you to tackle if you’d like a further challenge.  


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes! 



Break- Get some fresh air or 


Spelling:  Read the passage and check that I have spelt the homophones correctly. Use the spellings and definitions from Monday to help you check. 



In today’s lesson we are going to be learning about prepositions. Remember prepositions are words to describe where something is in relation for something else. For example: above, below, up, to in. First use the word mat to give some instructions out to a member of your family or class. Then ready the passage and underline (or note down) the prepositions, use the word mat to help you find them all. Once you have done that, use the images and the word mat to write 5 sentences including prepositions.  

For example: The King’s wife fell to the floor beside the golden daughter. 


Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out 

Reading – 15 minutes 

Read your favourite book. Write about who your favourite character is and why. 


Science –  


Today we are going to begin our new topic of Plants. We are going to recap the parts of a plant and learn about the functions of these. Have a look through the slides. Complete the task of making a folding leaflet to explain the functions of the different parts of a plant. You can make your own or print the one on the slides. Choose from the 2 stars or 3 stars worksheet depending on how confident you feel. Why not try the challenge next?  


Tuesday 2nd June 2020



Fractions Lesson 16 – Comparing Fractions


Our focus today starts with eighths, and comparing different numbers of eighths. We use our skills with bar models to move onto different denominators and compare fractions using = ˂ ˃.


There is an optional greater depth task for you to tackle if you’d like a further challenge.


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Do now: Read the passage and underline the nouns. Remember a noun is the name of a person, place or thing.



Reread the story King Midas and the golden touch. In today’s lesson you are going to answer sequencing questions. Read the example given and then match the events in the order they happened. Once you have done that write sequence the events on a timeline to refer to later in the term.


Lunch – Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read a book of your choice to a family member (siblings or parents). Ask them what their favourite part was.


Warm up

Complete the DTF Fitness cards – 1 minute per card.

Cool down


In today’s lesson we will focus on Hinduism. Write down as many facts about Hinduism that you can think of. Now watch the clip to tell you more about Hinduism then write down 5 facts you have learnt about Hinduism.

Monday 1st June 2020



Fractions Lesson 15 – Comparing Fractions


Today we look at comparing fractions by looking at halves and quarters and understanding which is bigger. We use bar models to help us to understand that the bigger the denominator the smaller the equal share.


There is an optional greater depth task for you to tackle if you’d like a further challenge.


Timetables rockstars – play for 15 minutes!

Break - Get some fresh air or


Spelling: homophones are two or more words that sound the same but have different spellings and / or meanings. Write a definition for the spellings on the PPT to help you remember how to tell them apart.



In today’s lesson we are going to read the Greek myth ‘King Midas and the golden touch. Before we start reading answer these prediction questions:

  1. What do you think the story might be about?
  2. Who is the main character?
  3. Where is the story set?
  4. What do you think the golden touch means/ does?


Read the story King Midas and the golden touch (a Greek myth) then write down the order in which the characters appeared.

  1. Reread the story of King Midas and the Golden touch.
  2. Highlight key information about King Midas.
  3. Write in the speech bubbles what we know about King Midas e.g. ‘I know King Midas is a king’
  4. Write in the thought bubbles what we think about King Midas. E.g. ‘I think King Midas is greedy’


Greater depth challenge: Include evidence to support your ideas.

E.g. ‘I think King Midas is greedy because he asks for more gold even though he already has plenty.


Lunch- Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your reading book for 15 minutes and record it in your reading record.


Our new topic starts today with a journey back in time to the time of the Ancient Greeks. We learn when this period was using key dates in time that we know and investigate the very first Olympic Games. We follow the Olympics from this ancient time to the most recent games, comparing the differences between the first games of the modern era in 1896 and Rio 2016. There are videos to watch featuring highlights of the games in London 2012 and ask what you know about the games and the athletes who compete in them.

Friday 22nd May 2020 



Fractions Lesson 14 – Finding Equivalent Fractions.


Our lesson today starts with a challenge, can you identify the correct answer from a selection of different working out? Use your maths skills to look at the fractions and the amount they are divided by to find out who got it right!


Remember your fraction facts, we must always divide the numerator and denominator by the same amount.


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Spelling: use a dictionary to find the meaning of the words then write them in a sentence.



In today’s lesson we are going to write a Wanted poster for Goldilocks. Use all the information we collected yesterday, the highlighted text and the adjective word mats to write a character description of Goldilocks. Use the wanted poster format in the slides to help you organise our writing. We will share the posters on the website!


Joe Wicks - 8 minute work out


Read your book for 15 minutes. Write a quiz about your book and ask a member of your family to read it and complete it.


Joe Wicks 30 minute work out. The link is added below. 

Fancy something different? Why not ma

ke an obstacle course. How quickly can you complete it? Can you beat your time?

PSHCE- The five ways to well-being

Read the five ways to keep your mental and physical wellbeing healthy. Choose one to carry out for the next week and take pictures of you completing the task to send to your teacher or Miss Cresswell.

PE With Joe | Friday 22nd May

Thursday 21st May 2020 



Fractions Lesson 13 – Finding the Simplest Fraction 


Today we start by looking at how we can find fractions that are equivalent to eight twelfths. We then look at completing equivalent fractions with missing numerators.  


Remember, we must always divide the numerator and denominator by the same amount.  


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST! 



Break- Get some fresh air or 


Do Now: now you have found the nouns, add adjectives to make the sentences more interesting. 



Reread ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ by Roald Dahl and highlight or note down any information about Goldilocks. Use the information to complete a character check on Goldilocks. The speech bubbles are what we know about Goldilocks (what we can retrieve from the text) for example; I know Goldilocks is a girl because the text says: ‘She looks around, she quickly notes’. The thought bubbles are what we think about Goldilocks (what we infer from the text). Use the text to help you support your ideas. For example; I think Goldilocks is hungry because she breaks into the three bears house and eats the porridge.  



Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out 


Read your school book for 15 minutes. Choose five new words find out the meaning and write a sentence for each one.  


Today's lesson follows on from Monday. You have already researched a famous artist and know about their likes and dislikes as well as their use of different techniques. Today is all about recreating a piece of art in the style of your chosen artist. Let’s get creative and have fun! 



Have a look at this video about different greetings in French. I bet you know some already but there are some new ones in here too.  

Can you write down some different ways to say hello in French and what time of day we should use them?




English Resources

Wednesday 20th May 2020 



Fractions: Lesson 12 – Finding the Simplest Fractions  

Today we continue our work with fractions by looking at ways to simplify fractions. This is where we make the denominator smaller if we can until it cannot be any smaller.  

For example: 




The lesson today simplifies twelfths into thirds, quarters and sixths. 


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST! 



Break- Get some fresh air or 


Spelling: use a dictionary to find the meaning of the words then write them in a sentence. 



Reread the story of ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ by Roald Dalh. Create a comic strip about the traditional tale. Think about the significant events and put them in chronological order. Write sentences which include adjectives to make the comic strip interesting.  


  1. Introduce Goldilocks 
  1. The three bears make breakfast 
  1. The three bears go for a walk. 
  1. Goldilocks tries the porridge. 
  1. Goldilocks tried the chairs. 
  1. Goldilocks goes to bed. 
  1. The three bears come home. 
  1. Goldilocks escapes – or does she? 

Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out 

Reading – 15 minutes 

Read your favourite book. Write about who your favourite character is and why. 


Science – Bones and Muscles. 

Today we look inside our bodies – the structures that give us our shape and help us move.  


We investigate the bones that make up our bodies, naming them and placing them where they appear in our bodies. We will find out how many bones we have and why we have fewer bones as a grown up than we had as children! We also look at how bones join and how this helps us to move. 


Muscles are all around our bodies, they get shorter or longer to help us move, and the more you move them the bigger they can become. Why are they important? What do they do? What are their names? 


We look at their main functions and build our own skeleton!  


RE- What is Sikhism? 


In today’s RE lesson we will be learning about Sikhism. Work through the BBC Bitesize page: and take the quiz at the bottom of the page. Then in your books write down 5 facts you’ve learnt about Sikhism.   

Tuesday 19th May 2020



Fractions: Lesson 11 – Finding Equivalent Fractions

Our work today starts with comparing thirds and twelfths. What do you know about 3 and 12? Are they linked?


We then move on to finding the missing numerator or denominator. Remember, the numerator is always on the top of our dividing line of our fraction.


You can draw your own bar model to help you, make sure they are the same size!


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Do now: read the sentences and write them in your book. Then underline the nouns. Remember a noun is the name of place, person, object or idea.



Read the poem ‘Goldilocks and the Three bears’ by Roald Dahl.

In today’s lesson you will be answering questions called ‘fill in the missing blank questions’. As you work through the slides it will explain how you answer these types of questions.

Follow these steps carefully to help you.

1.Highlight the sentence starter.

2.Scan to locate the sentence starter in the text.

3.Skim through the sentence to find the missing word.

4.Write the missing word.



Lunch – Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read a book of your choice to a family member (siblings or parents). Ask them what their favourite part was.


Warm up

Complete the DTF Fitness cards – 1 minute per card.

Cool down

Goldilocks by Roald Dahl

Still image for this video

Monday 18th May 2020



 Fractions: Lesson 10 – Finding Equivalent Fractions

In today’s lesson we are looking at finding fractions that have an equal value. We start with looking at the link between fifths and tenths.  You’ll need to use your multiplication skills to help you.


Remember, we multiply our numerator and the denominator by the same amount.


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!


Break - Get some fresh air or


Spelling: copy and complete the table. Use the list of root words and add the suffixes.



Read the poem ‘Goldilocks and the Three bears’ by Roald Dahl.

In today’s lesson you will be answering questions called ‘fill in the missing blank questions’. As you work through the slides it will explain how you answer these types of questions.

Follow these steps carefully to help you.

1.Highlight the sentence starter.

2.Scan to locate the sentence starter in the text.

3.Skim through the sentence to find the missing word.

4.Write the missing word.




Lunch- Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your reading book for 15 minutes and record it in your reading record.


Today you are going to expand your knowledge of famous artists. We have already looked at cave art and the techniques that were used all those many years ago. Now we are going to learn about more current artists. Choose a famous artist from the slides or if you have another artist in mind, why not use them? Research your famous artist and discover the techniques they use to create their art. Do they like thick brushstrokes? Do they like shapes with sharp edges? Does your artist draw scenes, still art or abstract art? Do they create sculptures?

Present your information about your artist in whatever way you would like e.g. a speech, a PowerPoint, a leaflet or a poster. Later in the week, you will create a piece of art in the style of your chosen artist so make sure you choose wisely.

Friday 15th May 2020



Fractions: Lesson 9 – Recognise and show equivalent fractions.

We start today with fractions that are equal to ½. We start to understand that we can use our times tables to help us and the key fact to remember is that we always do exactly the same thing with our numerator and denominator.


We start to show our working out in a new way that shows the written fraction and the multiple that we are using.




This equivalent fraction shows that our numerator is multiplied by 2 (1 x 2 = 2), and our denominator is also multiplied by 2 (3 x 2 = 6).


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Spelling: use a dictionary to find the meaning of the words and match them to the definition.



Watch some the poetry performances by Michael Rosen and consider how he makes the performance interesting and engages the audience. Today you are going to perform the limerick you created yesterday. Think about your intonation, expression, pace and body language. When you are happy with your performance video it and send it into class dojo. We will share these with the class.


Joe Wicks - 8 minute work out


Read your book for 15 minutes. Write a quiz about your book and ask a member of your family to read it and complete it.


Joe Wicks 30 minute work out or have a go at our chair challenges! See the slides attached below.

PSHCE- The huge bag of worries. (The video is attached in the link below)


In this lesson we will be thinking about mental health. Consider what is mental health? Why is it important? How does it affect our every day? Listen to the story ‘The huge bad of worries’ and design a poster to help other children recognise how they feel and signpost them to people they can go to and things they can do to manage their feelings.



'The Huge Bag of Worries' #timeforatale

A story to help explain worries to children. If after hearing this story you think of some of your own worries, please talk to a trusted adult about them. #s...

Thursday 14th May 2020 



Fractions: Lesson 8 – Recognise and show equivalent fractions. 

Today we keep up with our work on equivalent fractions and showing this by folding paper, this time starting with halves, quarters, eighths and sixths.  


We then move to identifying missing fractions on a number line and then use a number line to identify equivalent fractions. 


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST! 



Break- Get some fresh air or 


Do Now: Read the sentences and copy into your book. Underline the rhyming words.  



In today’s lesson you are going to create your own limerick. Go through the slides identifying the features of a limerick and how the authors make them interesting. Choose a subject you would like to write about and write as many rhyming words as possible. Plan and write your limerick making sure the rhyming words are at the end of each line.  

Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out 


Read your school book for 15 minutes. Choose five new words find out the meaning and write a sentence for each one.  


Today we are going to look at the work of a Land Artist called Andy Goldsworthy. He uses natural resources to create images and features...artwork! Have a go at creating your own natural artwork like Andy. The slides will help you understand more about his work and will give you an idea about what you can do. Have fun being as creative as you like! 


We have practiced counting to 10 in French. Can you remember your numbers to 20? Have a go at the game below and see how many toys you can put into the right boxes. This will help remind you of your numbers to 20 and the spelling of them – something we learnt in school before lockdown. 


Art - Andy Goldsworthy

Wednesday 13th May 2020 



Fractions: Lesson 7 – Recognise and show equivalent fractions. 

We continue to look at equivalent fractions, starting with a focus on thirds. Starting with a piece of paper folded into 3 equal parts – shading in one to show We continue to fold the paper equally to identify other fractions that are equivalent to one third.  


The worksheet has a fraction wall to help you see the link between the different fractions.  


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST! 



Break- Get some fresh air or 


Spelling: add the prefix sub / tele to the root words.  



In today’s lesson we are going to learn how to perform poetry. Watch how ‘Michael Rosen’ performs poetry. Consider his tone, expression, pace and body language. Discuss with an adult how this affects the performance and the reader’s engagement. After, read the three poems written by Michael Rosen and decide which you would like to perform. Practice reading it and performing it. When you are confident video your performance and upload it onto class dojo for your class to enjoy.  

Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out 

Reading – 15 minutes 

Read your favourite book. Write about who your favourite character is and why. 


Science – A Healthy Lifestyle 


Today we look at what being healthy means and investigate your thoughts of how you can be healthy.  

What does healthy mean? Are you healthy? What do we need to do so we are healthy?  


We’ve looked at what animals eat and least week we looked at the nutrients in the food we eat and what types of foods we should be eating. But today we add being active.  


Today’s activities are to create plan to be healthy over a week. The things that you eat and the activities that you do. How can you keep your brain healthy? 


Challenge, do you know what your pulse is? Can you find where it is? What happens to it when you exercise? 



RE-What is Islam? 


In today’s RE lesson we will be learning about Islam, where it originates and some of the practices, beliefs and messages. Watch the clip and answer the 5 questions. 


Challenge: compare the similarities and difference between Christians and Muslims.  

English - Poetry

Science - A healthy lifestyle

Tuesday 12th May 2020



Fractions: Lesson 6 – Recognise and show equivalent fractions.

In today’s lesson we are investigating fractions that are the equal to other fractions. As we can remember from our lessons on time, a half an hour is equal to two quarters of an hour – therefore 2/4 = ½.


Have a look at the ‘fraction wall’ (below) and use it to look back on through these lessons.


Look for patterns in the denominators of equivalent, what do you notice?


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Do now: Read the sentences on the slides and underline the adjectives. Remember an adjective is a word used to describe a noun. It might be useful to circle the nouns to help you find the adjectives.


Poetry comprehension:

Read the poem ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ by Roald Dahl.

In today’s lesson you will be answering questions called ‘fill in the missing blank questions’. As you work through the slides it will explain how you answer these types of questions.

Follow these steps carefully to help you.

1.Highlight the sentence starter.

2.Scan to locate the sentence starter in the text.

3.Skim through the sentence to find the missing word.

4.Write the missing word.


Lunch – Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read a book of your choice to a family member (siblings or parents). Ask them what their favourite part was.


Warm up

Complete the DTF Fitness cards – 1 minute per card.

Cool down

The Fraction wall 12.5.2020

Tuesday 12th May 2020 work

Jack and the Beanstalk by Roald Dahl

Still image for this video

Monday 11th May 2020



Fractions: Lesson 5 – Subtracting Fractions

In today’s lesson we are looking at subtracting fractions. We start by looking at a cake divided into sevenths, and taking slices away.


Not all the examples start from a whole one, be very careful to check the numerator and denominator to begin with.


We’re using a variety of visual representations today, bar models, pizza’s and number sentences.


Remember, we take away the numerator and the denominator won’t change.


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!


Break - Get some fresh air or


Spelling: add the suffix –ment. Challenge yourself to write sentences using these words.


Poetry Comprehension:

Read the poem ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ by Roald Dahl.

In today’s lesson you will be answering questions called ‘fill in the missing blank questions’. As you work through the slides it will explain how you answer these types of questions.

Follow these steps carefully to help you.

1.Highlight the sentence starter.

2.Scan to locate the sentence starter in the text.

3.Skim through the sentence to find the missing word.

4.Write the missing word.



Lunch- Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your reading book for 15 minutes and record it in your reading record.


Today we are going to think back to our topic “How do I keep my brain healthy?” 

We are going to think about the big question: How come they can do it and I can’t?

There are many strong emotions we can feel when something seems impossible for us and others just seem to be able to do it, but jealousy is the main one. Let’s spend some time thinking about jealousy and what we can do to help overcome this ‘green-eyed monster’!

Monday 11th May 2020

Thursday 7th May 2020 



Fractions: Lesson 4 Adding Fractions 

Today our quest to add fractions continues – this time we start with using quarters (1/4). Using a pizza to help us we learn that there are four quarters in our whole (4/4), this is the same as a clock. Can you remember our lessons on time? We have quarter past and to the hour on a clock, this means that the hour can be shared equally in 4 quarters.  


We also work with eighths, ninths, elevenths and sevenths – we’ve already learnt a lot of the names for fractions!  


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST! 


Break- Get some fresh air or 


Do Now: Read the sentences and copy into your book. Underline the fronted adverbials  


Reading: Read the story ‘The lion and the mouse’.  

In today’s lesson you will be answering questions called ‘fill in the missing blank questions’. As you work through the slides it will explain how you answer these types of questions.  

Follow these steps carefully to help you. 

1.Highlight the sentence starter. 

2.Scan to locate the sentence starter in the text. 

3.Skim through the sentence to find the missing word.  

4.Write the missing word. 


Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out 


Read your school book for 15 minutes. Choose five new words find out the meaning and write a sentence for each one.  



Today is your moment to get creative with ideas about celebrating VE Day.  

You can create your own War themed Art using whatever resources you like. Have a look at the Slides for more ideas about what you can do. 


SSAFA (The Armed Forces Charity) are holding a competition which you can enter with your artwork if you like.  


The brief is open and simple, create a piece of art inspired by VE day to celebrate the 75th anniversary of this historical milestone. If you're unsure where to start, think poppies, celebrating soldiers, bunting, street parties and Union Jack flags. Your artistic creation can be a drawing, a painting, a sculpture or whatever you think best celebrates VE Day 75. 


For competition details please see: 



This song by Vera Lynn has become synonymous with World War II. Have a listen to it here: 

What instruments do you think are being played? 

Talk about why you think this song became associated with the war.  

Think about the lyrics and their importance during the war.  

English - Retrieval and inference skills

Wednesday 6th May 2020 



Fractions: Lesson 3 Adding Fractions 

We continue adding fractions today but our two numerals will make less than a whole one. Our key fact is that only the top number (the numerator) will change – our addition skills will make quick work of this!  

We will be working with a number of different denominators for our questions, try and get in the habit of saying their names properly – ½ is a half, not one over two for example.  


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST! 



Break- Get some fresh air or 


Spelling: Add the suffix to the root words. 


Writing: today you are going to write your fable. Use your story mountain and the comic strip to help you. On the slides you will see a variety of word mats to help make your fable an interesting read.  

Remember to include: 

  • speech (punctuated correctly) 
  • adverbial phrases 
  • fronted adverbials 
  • exciting adjectives and verbs 
  • joined handwriting 


Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out 

Reading – 15 minutes 

Read your favourite book. Write about who your favourite character is and why. 


Science – What do we need to eat? 


As we’ve learnt so far we can classify animals in different ways, firstly by its type and secondly by what it eats.  


Can you tell your grown-ups at home what animal type you are and whether you are an omnivore, carnivore or herbivore? 


All animals need to eat; they need to eat to get nutrients, these nutrients help animals to work properly, grow and say healthy. 


We will look at nutrients in the food we eat, how we can group food types and putting this into practice by looking at your own meals!  


RE – In today’s lesson we will be learning about Hinduism, it’s history and exploring Hindu places of worship. Click on the link to find out more about where Hinduism originates and the core beliefs of the faith. Then watch the BBC clip which takes you on a tour of a Hindu place of worship (Mandir) and answer the five questions. 


English - Write your own fable.

Science - Nutrition

Tuesday 5th May 2020



Fractions: Lesson 2 – Adding Fractions

In today’s lesson we are looking at adding two parts of a whole to make a whole. We are using a variety of different fractions. We will use number lines, bar models and number pairs to help us.


When drawing our bar models make sure that each block within it is same size – fractions are equal parts of a whole.


Remember, we add the numerator and the denominator won’t change.


We can use our knowledge of numberbonds to 10 to help us.


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Do now: Read the sentences on the slides and underline the adverbs. Remember an adverb is a single word that describes how, when or where a verb takes place.


Writing: today you are going to organize your story into a comic strip. Think about the opening, build up, middle, resolution and ending. Use your story mountain from yesterday to orgaise your comic strip and find ways to improve it. Make sure you spend a lot of time on your drawing presentation as this will help for your description in your story writing tomorrow. Write short captions and speech bubbles to form your writing.


Lunch – Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read a book of your choice to a family member (siblings or parents). Ask them what their favourite part was.


Warm up

Complete the DTF Fitness cards – 1 minute per card.

Cool down



In today’s lesson we will be focusing on health and fitness. Watch this clip: Fill in as many activities as you can think of that are related to physical activity. For example: A=Aerobics, Archery; B=Basketball, Bowling. How many can you think of for each letter? Highlight the ones that you do yourself.


Monday 4th May 2020



Fractions: Lesson 1 – Recap and Tenths

Today we will be looking at fractions. Firstly, a recap of what they are, what they look like and how we write them with an activity to find different fractions of shapes.


It’s very important to understand the word ‘fraction’ as equal parts of a whole – this can be a whole number, shape or object. We use very different words, numerator and denominator. The denominator is the number below the line and the numerator is always above it. The help to tell us what our whole one looks like, and how many parts of it we have. We can help our learning by using familiar items or shapes – pizza is cut into equal size slices, as is cake for example.



We then move onto counting with tenths looking at a rather large chocolate bar! You can do the lesson without chocolate, but it might help!


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!



Break - Get some fresh air or


Spelling: Add the suffix to the root words.


Writing: In today’s lesson we will plan our own fables. Think of a lesson you would like to teach younger children. It might be ‘slow and steady wins the race’, ‘always tell the truth’, ‘work hard first and play later’, ‘good things come to those who work hard’. Choose the moral and then decide on your characters. Once you’ve chosen the characters choose your setting. Now you have the start of your story you can create your story mountain. This is the bare bones of your story and will help you create it.


Lunch- Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your reading book for 15 minutes and record it in your reading record.

Topic – VE DAY

On Friday 8th April we will be celebrating VE day! This stands for Victory in Europe day. It is an important day in our calendar when we celebrate the end of World War II. Please watch this video to learn more about VE day.

After watching the video, your task is to research World War II and present your findings. This is your time to get creative! Why not make a poster, PowerPoint, Video yourself doing a news report, write a diary entry, make a non-fiction book or cartoon strip? Whatever you decide to do, make sure you include interesting facts about the war.

Let’s get creative!

Work for Monday 4th May 2020

Friday 1st May 2020


Lessons - please see the document attached for all work and links required. Maths is on Dojo


Lesson 5: Reading Bar Graphs (Maths worksheets are sent on Class Dojo)


Now we have got impressive skills reading and understanding bar graphs we are going to answer questions on the graphs and data.

Make sure you look closely at the scale and accurately read each question to find out whether it is true or false and I’ll be looking out for your explanations!

You will have to look closely at the scale and you will be asked to use your amazing maths skills to find the differences between the bars (adding and subtracting).


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Spelling: Add the suffix er or est to the root words.


Comprehension: Read the story ‘The rat and the elephant’. In today’s lesson you will be answering questions called ‘fill in the missing blank questions’. As you work through the slides it will explain how you answer these types of questions.

Follow these steps carefully to help you.

1.Highlight the sentence starter.

2.Scan to locate the sentence starter in the text.

3.Skim through the sentence to find the missing word.

4.Write the missing word.



Joe Wicks - 8 minute work out


Read your book for 15 minutes. Write a quiz about your book and ask a member of your family to read it and complete it.


Joe Wicks 30 minute work out. (See the link in the document attached)


Last week, you looked at the Eatwell Guide. Today there is a challenge for you:

Can you put the food on the correct part of the plate? Click on the plate when you open the file.

It is all about a balanced diet. You need to put the food into the correct food group on the plate. They will appear when you hover over the section on the plate. Good Luck!

Work for Friday 1st May 2020

Thursday 30th April 2020 



Lesson 4: Reading Bar Graphs 


Continuing to develop our understanding of reading and understanding bar graphs and the data they show we will use graphs with different styles and scales. Look carefully at the scale at the bottom of the first graph – what does each mark represent? What is its value? 


The graphs can represent the same information but read horizontally or vertically – the scale is either on the side or the bottom. It might help to use a ruler to line up the bar with the scale to read it accurately. 


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST! 


Break- Get some fresh air or 


Do Now: Read the sentences and copy into your book. Underline the speech – remember speech is the words that are spoken by the subject. 


Reading: Reread the story and highlight all the information about the Hare. Once completed, write 5 questions you’d like to ask the Hare. Ask a parent or family member to pretend to be the Hare and interview them. Record their responses and use it to write about how the Hare felt about the race.


Example questions: 

  • How did you feel after the race? 
  • Would you like a rematch and why? 
  • Why do you think the Tortoise challenged you to a race? 
  • Have you learnt anything from this experience? 
  • Why do you think the animals cheered for the Tortoise and not you? 

Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out 


Read your school book for 15 minutes. Choose five new words find out the meaning and write a sentence for each one.  


Today we are going to continue to think about feelings. We are going to sort feelings into categories and look at images which depict feelings and emotions. E.g. a Volcano erupts violently = anger, a worried little kitten = anxious/afraid etc. 

Think about a feeling and create an image to represent that feeling. The slides have some examples for you to copy or create your own masterpiece! You can make a collage, draw a picture, paint or use other materials around the house to be creative. Have fun! 


Before the holidays we learnt our numbers in French. Can you remember them? 

Watch this video of some children playing Hopscotch (La Marelle) in French. 

Have a go at playing La Marelle and saying the numbers in French as you play. 

English - Using retrieval and inference skills.

Art - All about our feelings

Wednesday 29th April 2020 



Lesson 3: Reading Bar Graphs 


Today’s lesson is focused on reading information from bar graphs and understanding that they can tell us lots of information.  

Your first task is to look at the bar graph and see if you can create questions to ask your grown-ups at home about it. For example, I think that the graph only shows how many books the children read altogether. What do you think? Is this true? 


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST! 



Break- Get some fresh air or 


Spelling: Read the sentence on the PPT and decide which homophone is correct. A homophone is two or more words which sound the same but have different spellings and/or meanings. Example: There (place) and their (belonging). 


Rainbow Grammar: In today’s lesson we are going to be using our work on adverbial phrases to write fronted adverbials. 


Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out 

Reading – 15 minutes 

Read your favourite book. Write about who your favourite character is and why. 


Science – What do we eat and The Food Chain 


In our lesson today we are going to be grouping animals by what they eat. I don’t mean pizza or chips! We will look closely at the three types of diets we can use to group animals and how animals and the food they eat link together to make the Food Chain.  


There is a great song to listen to that helps us understand more about animals and what they eat – have a listen 


The food chain is the way we describe how animals rely on each other and plants for survival. It widely covers the movement of matter (things) and energy in the form of food from creature to creature.  


There is a sorting task to complete showing how food chains are linked.  



We are continuing our topic of “Our Community Different Places of Worship”. Today we will investigate what an Anglican Church is like inside. 


Click on the photos to watch a clip that takes a tour around an Anglican Church. 

Look out for these words: Pulpit, Lectern, Font and Alter.  

English Fronted Adverbials

Science - Who eats what and the food chain.

Tuesday 28th April



Lesson 2: Drawing Bar Graphs


Today we are looking at bar graphs. This type of graph uses a scale to the side to help us rather than counting. What are the similar features of the two types of graph? What are the differences?

It is important to use a ruler when drawing graphs to make sure your lines are straight and that you use the scale correctly.


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Do now: Read the sentences on the slides and underline the nouns. Remember a noun is the name of place, person or object.


Rainbow Grammar: In today’s lesson we are going to use our knowledge of adverbs to write adverbial phrases. An adverbial phrase: a group of words that functions as an adverb (i.e. describes how, when or where a verb happens). Use the adverbial phrases given to you to write sentences about the Hare and the Tortoise. If you want to challenge yourself you can have a go at writing your own.



Lunch – Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read a book of your choice to a family member (siblings or parents). Ask them what their favourite part was.


Warm up

Complete the DTF Fitness cards – 1 minute per card.

Cool down

English 28.4.2020

Active 8 Minute Workout 2 | The Body Coach TV

Great for all ages 35 seconds work | 25 seconds rest Running Punches Sit Down Toe Touch Star Jumps Basketball Throws Mummy Kicks Lunge Lunge Squat Mountain C...

Pokemon | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure

A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure inspired by the amazing Pokémon. Join Jaime on a kids yoga adventure inspired by the brilliant Pokemon universe! Remember to sub...

Minecraft | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

A Cosmic Kids yoga adventure for Minecraft fans. Join Jaime in Minecraft world and use yoga to survive your first 24 hours! Learn to teach kids yoga with Jai...

Monday 27th April 2020



Lesson 1: Drawing Picture Graphs


We are starting a new area of learning in maths, using picture and bar graphs. We will look at a number of different ways of representing data (numbers of items) including tally charts, tables, using counters and drawing graphs.


We are starting with using tally charts – we used these in science last week to record animals.

Make sure you have counters, Lego bricks, marbles or something that you can use to represent the information in different ways.


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!


Break - Get some fresh air or


Spelling: Read the sentence on the PPT and decide which homophone is correct. A homophone is two or more words which sound the same but have different spellings and/or meanings. Example: There (place) and their (belonging).


Rainbow Grammar: In today’s lesson we are learning about adverbs. Previously we have learnt how adverbs are used to describe how a verb happens, for example, ‘The hare darted quickly through the woods.’ In today’s lesson you will be learning how to write sentences with adverbs that describe when/where a verb takes place. Read through the slides carefully and have a go at writing the sentences using the work bank. For your independent task copy the sentences and choose the most suitable adverb.

Lunch- Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your reading book for 15 minutes and record it in your reading record.



Today we are going to continue our Topic of “How do I Keep My Brain Healthy?”

We are going to think about different emotions that we can experience in a day.

Have a look at the slides which will guide you through the session. It will be very helpful if an adult can help you as you discuss various feelings that you and they will experience. The most important message to get across is that we all experience a variety of feelings in a day. All feelings are important for our mental wellbeing but it is how we deal with them that is crucial.

Watch the video link and share your thoughts with an adult. Hear how they cope when they feel angry.

English 27.4.2020

Active 8 Minute Workout 1 | The Body Coach TV

Great for all ages 35 seconds work | 25 seconds rest Squats Running On The Spot Lunge Floor Touches Climb The Rope Knees To Elbow Frog Jumps Slow Motion Burp...

Friday 24th April 2020




Lesson 18 – Changing Seconds to Minutes

Today’s lesson we will looking at time in seconds and converting it into minutes. Remembering our maths facts about time is very important again! We need to work out how many times 60 will go into the number of seconds we have.

For example: if we have 70 seconds we know that one lot of 60 will fit but there will be 10 remaining. This means that 70 seconds = 1 minute and 10 seconds.

Make sure you check out today’s video to help you work out the puzzles for today.


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!


Break- Get some fresh air or

English (See below)

Spelling-Use the pyramid method to practice the spelling of these words, exercise, extreme, experiment and experience.


Adverbs – In today’s lesson you are going to be using adverbs to explain how the Hare and the Tortoise spoke. Remember an adverb is a word that describes a verb. Go through the slides and choose a word from the word bank to write about how the characters spoke. For your independent work write the sentences in your book using the word bank to include an adverb. To challenge yourself look for more adventurous choices using an online thesaurus and write your own sentences.


Joe Wicks - 8 minute work out


Read your book for 15 minutes. Write a quiz about your book and ask a member of your family to read it and complete it.


Joe Wicks 30 minute work out (See link below)


PSHCE – Being healthy (See pack below)


Look at the Eat well guide shown and identify the different types of food and why we have different amounts. Read the diary below and colour in the food according to the Eat well plate then answer the questions.

Optional challenge: Write a food daily food diary for 1 day and colour in the types of food you have. Interpret your diary to work out which types of food you have more / less of and if you need to make any changes to your diet.


Daily Work Friday 24.4.20

Thursday 23rd April 2020 




Lesson 17 – Changing Minutes to Seconds 

Today we are converting minutes into seconds – it is important to remember our maths facts about time! There are 60 seconds in a minute, therefore when the second hand travels the whole way around the clock face (one complete turn) one minute has passed and the minute hand will move one small mark.  

You will need to use your skills with your 6 times tables for this!  

Watch the video to help your time skills!  


I’ve been told about Toy Theatre which has a free clock resource – check it out!


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST! 


Break- Get some fresh air or 


Do now:

Read the sentences and copy them into your book. Underline the predicate. Remember the predicate explains what the subject is doing and must contain a verb! 



In today’s lesson you are going to be learning how to punctuate speech correctly. Speech is repeating the exact words as the person speaking and is always punctuated with speech marks and a comma OR exclamation / question mark. Read through the slides to help you develop your understanding of how to punctuate speech correctly. For your independent learning task you need to copy the sentences into your book and punctuate them correctly. Challenge yourself by writing 3 of your own sentences including speech about what the Hare and the Tortoise might say to each other after the race.

Watch the videos on the school website to support your learning.

Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out 


Read your school book for 15 minutes. Choose five new words find out the meaning and write a sentence for each one.  


Find a quiet space – in your bedroom, on a sofa, under a table, in a den or outside. 

Spend some time just sitting still. It may be hard! What are you thinking of? Use the worksheet to fill the head with all your thoughts.  

You may like to put some relaxing music on to help you.  

Perhaps you are thinking of a holiday, TV programme, your friends, something you want to do when we can go out again like go swimming or to the park. Your mind is probably filled with lots of things. Fill in the sheet with all your images and then talk to an adult about them. (Remember that these things may make you feel a bit sad as you miss going out, that is okay! Talk to your adult about them and maybe they can organise for you to do one of your activities when you can!) 


Use your Charanga log ins and enjoy!



English Resources - Speech

Wednesday 22 April 2020 



Lesson 16 - Measuring Time in Minutes 

In today’s lesson we look at counting backwards using the clock face and number line. We are looking at the time that you might need to leave in order to arrive at a given time. A good example of this is what time you need to leave for school each morning. Mr Rowe needs to arrive at school at 8:00am – it takes me 15 minutes to drive, what time does he need to leave home? 


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST! 



Break- Get some fresh air or 


Spelling: Ask your parents or siblings to read out the sentences from the slides without you looking. Write the sentences down then check and correct your spellings.  


Spot the features 

In today’s lesson, you will be discussing the features of a fable. Read the text carefully and think about: 

  • How it’s written / structured / organised 
  • What techniques (eg adjectives) are used 
  • What effects does it have on the read / how does it make the reader feel? 
  • What is the purpose of a fable and who is it written for? 


Write all your ideas down in a list and submit to your teacher. The teacher will compile these and share them on the class story. 

Challenge: find examples of techniques in the text.  


Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out 

Reading – 15 minutes 

Read your favourite book. Write about who your favourite character is and why. 


Science: Animals including Humans 

Lesson One – Types of Animals 

Science: Animals including Humans 


In this this new topic for our science lessons we are learning about animals including humans. We will look at different types of animals from all over the world and investigate the things that are needed to grow and stay healthy as well as how they move and what they need to eat.  

In this first lesson we are looking at classification, how we group animals together.  

Watch the BBC Bitesize clip to begin with and then think and discuss with your grown-ups at home what you know about different types of animals, what are the similarities? What are the differences?  

There are six main groups of animals, but also two that we are not as familiar with. See the pdf files for more information and characteristics of birds, mammals, insects, reptiles, amphibians, molluscs, insects and arthropods.  


Can you name and classify creatures that you know? Have a go!  

Here’s one to start with for you … there are many different types of spider, big ones, small ones and huge ones with hairy legs! They are all Arthropods. How many animals can you name and classify? Set a time of 5 minutes and have a go!  



Now for the challenge - can you sort animals depending on their classification? 

Make a chart like this one in your book:  

Animal Type 

Number Counted 


























Now, with your grown-ups go outside into the garden or if you go out for a walk make a tally chart, noting when you see a different type of animal – it might be hard to count everyone you see (a flock of birds might be tricky!) but each type might be easier! If you can name any of the creatures you see that would be fantastic and might just be a Dojo or two!  

You could watch the preview for the David Attenborough programme Seven Worlds, One Planet and do the same thing if it is wet or you want another challenge! Good luck Year 3! 


RE – What are the religions of Alfreton? 


Look at the bar chart showing the number of people with different religions and answer the questions below. GD: talk to your parents / friends about the importance of religion and why it is good to have different relgious views. 


English - Fables

Tuesday 21st April



Lesson 15 - Measuring Time in Minutes

Today we continue to look at time in minutes using activity start and finish times, but today we are crossing over to the next hour. Make sure you look carefully at the clock face to see what the start time is and to add the hour if you pass o’clock (12, twelve) on the clock.


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!


Break- Get some fresh air or


Do now – write out the sentences in your book and underline the subject. Remember the subject is what / who the sentence is about.


Comprehension: Reread the story of the Hare and the Tortoise. In today’s lesson you will be answering questions called ‘fill in the missing blank questions’. As you work through the slides it will explain how you answer these types of questions.

Follow these steps carefully to help you.

1.Highlight the sentence starter.

2.Scan to locate the sentence starter in the text.

3.Skim through the sentence to find the missing word.

4.Write the missing word.


Lunch – Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read a book of your choice to a family member (siblings or parents). Ask them what their favourite part was.


Warm up

Complete the DTF Fitness cards – 1 minute per card.

Cool down

English 21.4.2020

Monday 20th April 2020



Lesson 14 – Measuring Time in Minutes

In today’s lesson we will be looking at different activities and use analogue and digital clocks to calculate how long the activities took and what their finishing time was.

To help you we can use number lines in blocks of time or the clock face using minutes to count on.

Use the PPT slides on class dojo to help you remember to complete the guided practice and then the worksheet.


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!



Break - Get some fresh air or

English- see the slides uploaded on the website below.

Spellings: Look at the pictures and write the words. On slide 3 you will see the answers. If you have spelt any wrong, write them out using the pyramid method (only choose 3).



Read the story the Hare and the Tortoise. Highlight or note down any key information about the Hare and in a different colour do the same for the Tortoise. Complete the character check on the slides about each of the characters. Use your retrieval skills to retrieve information from the text to write about what you know (speech bubbles) and use inference to complete what you think about the character (thought bubbles). To challenge yourself, include evidence from the text to support your ideas about the character. For example, ‘I think the Tortoise is nosy because he was always listening to the Hare boasting’. Finally compare the two characters. Think about what makes them different and what makes them similar and record your ideas in a Venn Diagram.


Lunch- Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your reading book for 15 minutes and record it in your reading record.


We are starting our new topic called “How Do I Keep My Brain Healthy?”

Look at the PowerPoint on the school website to discover the parts of our brains.

Discuss the PowerPoint with a grown up if you can. Decide which side of your brain you use more – are you more methodical, mathematical and scientific or are you more creative with the arts?

Can you challenge your brain to use some of the areas you find harder?
Remember: The more you use your brain, the better it will work! You can train it to learn new things.


5 Minute Move | Kids Workout 1 | The Body Coach TV

Great for all ages but aimed primarily at Key Stage 1 40 seconds work | 20 seconds rest Marching On The Spot Star Jumps Low Sprint Shuffle Squats Climb The Rope

English 20.4.2020

Friday 03.04.20



Maths (See pictures below)

Measuring Time in Hours – Lesson 13

Today we will be counting back in hours. We will learn to read the time from a clockface and count back to find out the length of time spent on an activity. The first activity is counting back in full hours and uses a number line – the minutes do not change. There is one question that will need you to count back for the minutes as well.


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!


Break- Get some fresh air or

Spelling: Write the following words out as pyramids (we have done this for our morning work)

Early    earth     eight     enough








Today you are going to write a diary entry as Charlie from Charlie and the Chocolate factory. Use the comic strip you created yesterday and the features below to help you write a good one. Remember that a diary entry must be in the first person. I have written a diary entry starter for you to use if you’d like to...


Dear Diary,

Well today was one of the best days of my life! I started the day walking to Willy Wonka’s factory with Grandpa Joe. It was freezing cold - the snow crunched under my feet as the icy wind nipped at my face but I didn’t mind because I knew I would soon be inside the factory. When we arrived at the factory we were greeted by a rowdy crowd of reporters and Wonka fans and amongst them all were the other 4 lucky winners. I couldn’t believe my luck - I was about to go inside Wonka’s factory!




Joe Wicks - 8 minute work out (See link below)


Read your book for 15 minutes. Write a quiz about your book and ask a member of your family to read it and complete it.


Joe Wicks 30 minute work out. See below.



This lesson will be focusing on emotions. Look at the emotions on the document attached below. Make the emotions in the mirror and talk about how you feel. Can you ever remember feeling these emotions?

On page two write about the emotions you see. Think about how emotions affect others around you and how your emotions can change others.

PSHCE 03.04.20

Active 8 Minute Workout 2 | The Body Coach TV

Great for all ages 35 seconds work | 25 seconds rest Running Punches Sit Down Toe Touch Star Jumps Basketball Throws Mummy Kicks Lunge Lunge Squat Mountain C...

P.E with Joe | Friday 03.04.20

Day 9 of my 9am daily workouts 😀

Thursday 2nd April 



Measuring Time in Hours – Lesson 12 

Today we will be using a number line again to work out time one hour or more after time shown on a clock. The time will be shown using a digital, analogue or Roman numeral clock face. Remember, we are counting on the hours, not the minutes! 

 For example, the time 3 hours after 11:50am will be 2:50pm.  

Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST! 

Break- Get some fresh air or 

Do Now: write the sentences in your books. Underline the adverbs. (An adverb describes a verb, a verb is a doing word) 

  1. Charlie squeezed anxiously between the bustling crowds of people. 
  1. Augustus fell quickly into the chocolate river. 
  1. Willy Wonka excitedly led the group along the corridor to the inventing room. 
  1. Grandpa Joe wrapped his arms ecstatically around Charlie with pride. 


You are going to pretend to be Charlie and write a diary entry tomorrow of your day at the Chocolate factory. Before you write your diary entry you need to plan the main events. Using the comic strip example and the key events below, create your own comic strip of what happened the day Charlie went to the chocolate factory. 

  1. Charlie waited outside the gates with the other children for Mr Wonka. 
  1. Charlie met Mr Wonka at the factory. 
  1. They went into the chocolate room and Augustus went up the pipe. 
  1. Violet chews the Chewing gum meal’ and turns into a giant blueberry 
  1. They go into the nut sorting room and Veruca goes into the rubbish shoot 
  1. Mike Teavee shrinks and goes into a tv 
  1. Charlie goes in the glass elevator and finds out he’s won the factory 
  1. The whole family move in. 


Lunch - Joe Wicks 8-minute work out 


Read your school book for 15 minutes. Choose five new words find out the meaning and write a sentence for each one.  



Use your information from Monday to design your own chocolate bar. Pick people's favourite type of chocolate, fillings and flavours to make the most delicious chocolate design ever! How can these be incorporated into a tasty treat? 

 Make sure you draw a picture showing if the ingredients are layered, sprinkled or put inside the middle. 

Use the information below to add to your design in your home learning book. 

 Name of chocolate: 



Snappy Slogan: 


Extension: Now you have designed it, think about if it could really be made in real life. Is there anything you would change? 

Music – Foxes to use Charanga log-ins. 

 Squirrels (Steel drum practise): 

 A few weeks ago, we all learned this clapping rhyme. 

 2  4  6  8 

Meet me at the garden gate 

If I’m late, please don’t wait 

2   4  6  8   

  • Practice saying the rhyme with a steady beat. 
  • Teach it to someone else in your family 
  • Say the rhyme with the clapping pattern. (clap your own hands on 2/your partners hands on 4, your own hands on 6 …and so on) 
  • Record your performance and watch/listen back. If you use an ipad/phone you can send the video via dojo. 

Comic Strip

Wednesday 1st April



Measuring Time in Hours – Lesson 11

Today we will be looking at how to measure activities using hours. We are learning how to count on in hours from a time to find out what time an activity would finish. Using a number line to hop a full hour on is our starting method. Draw the number line in your exercise book to help you work it out, remember to write the time correctly – for example 11:45.

Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!


Break- Get some fresh air or

Spelling: Write the following words out as pyramids (we have done this for our morning work)

Build     busy     circle     certain








Read the extracts from the books below. Note down all the ways Roald Dahl has described the character Willy Wonka.  Use the extract to complete the character profile shown below.

Think about:

  • What he looks like
  • What he’s wearing
  • What are his prominent features (unique features)
  • How he moves
  • How he speaks
  • What he’s interested in
  • What you notice about his personality traits.

This will all be really important for your work on Thursday and Friday so make sure you do a super job!


Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read your favourite book. Write about who your favourite character is and why.


Science – Gravity and Air Resistance

Today we will investigate what causes things to fall, learning about Sir Isaac Newton – a very important scientist from history. We will also look at a force can act against gravity when objects travel through the air.


We have two short clips to watch which help us to understand gravity and air resistance before we experiment to see how some objects react when falling.


You’ll experiment with making your own parachute and seeing how your coat can slow you down!


Make sure you write up your findings using your knowledge and scientific vocabulary from your knowledge mat.

You can also copy the fill in the gaps challenge from the BBC Bitesize page into your exercise books.

Have fun!!



Read the story of ‘The Three Trees’ in the document below. Write about the three dreams in your exercise books and think about how this links to Easter.

English Text Extracts

Character Template

Science - Experiments with Gravity and Up Thrust

Tuesday 31st March



Measuring Time in Seconds – Lesson 10

Today we are using the second hand on an analogue clock to measure time in seconds. We need to watch it very carefully as it moves quickly!

Each time the second hand goes around the clockface is one minute, the minute hand will move one small line between the numbers on the clock – the hour hand won’t move very much at all. Key facts to remember are that there are 60 (sixty) seconds in a minute and sixty (60) minutes in an hour. We will be counting seconds (written as s) in blocks of 5 using the numbers as our guide. For the worksheet the second hand does not look like an arrow to help us know (there are now 3 hands on the clock face).

Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!

Break- Get some fresh air or

Do Now: read the sentences and copy into your book. Underline the Preposition.

  1. Charlie squeezed anxiously between the bustling crowds of people.
  2. Augustus fell quickly into the chocolate river.
  3. Willy Wonka led the group along the corridor to the inventing room.
  4. Grandpa Joe wrapped his arms around Charlie with pride.


English -conjunctions

Read the slides below. Conjunctions are joining words that can join either two or more subjects OR two or more Predicates. On the slides you will see a list of conjunctions we expect you to use in your writing. Complete the work sheet using the word bank below.’ Write the full sentence and the conjunction in your exercise books. When you have finished for an ‘Aiming High’ write your own sentences using the conjunctions –maybe you could include more than one conjunction?

Lunch – Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read a book of your choice to a family member (siblings or parents). Ask them what their favourite part was.


Warm up

Complete the DTF Fitness cards – 1 minute per card.

Cool down

English 31.3.2020

Monday 30th March



Measuring Time in Seconds Lesson 9

Today we will be looking at time in seconds. Use a stopwatch if you have one or a stopwatch on a mobile phone to measure how long things take. You can come up with your own activities to time, how long it takes for your dog to fetch a ball perhaps, or how long it takes you and other family members to run around the garden. Remember to record your times accurately and find out which is fastest or took the longest.


Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes! Make sure you complete the garage or soundcheck challenge FIRST!

Break - Get some fresh air or

Spelling: Write the following words out as pyramids (we have done this for our morning work)

Accident    address     answer     actual







English - Adverbial phrases.

In this lesson you will be learning to use adverbial phrases. Look at the slides below and read them carefully. An adverbial phrase has a Subject predicate (must include a verb) adverbial phrase starting with a conjunction. I have written some sentences out for you with the conjunctions missing use the word bank on the sheet OR the word mat on the first slide to complete the sentences in your exercise books. For an ‘Aiming High’ move the adverbial phrase to the front of the sentence. Make sure you use a comma to separate the adverbial phrase from the subject and predicate.


Lunch- Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your reading book for 15 minutes and record it in your reading record.



Today we will conduct product research.

Take some time to think about what we did last week – taste testing chocolates. What were our favourite ingredients? E.g. caramel, nuts, wafer, marshmallows, nougat, honey, smarties, mint etc.

Your task today is to make a simple survey to find out what the most favoured ingredients are in chocolates.

Your survey can be in your book or online using a free trial on

Think back to your reading lessons in English and come up with some multiple-choice questions. Get your family to answer them – ring your friends or extended family and get them to answer your questions. Try and ask about 10 people if you can!

You can use my examples to get you started – why not change some of the options to make it your own?


e.g. Which do you prefer?

  1. Milk chocolate
  2. Dark chocolate
  3. White chocolate


What is your favrouite flavour?

  1. Mint
  2. Vanilla
  3. Strawberry


Do you like nuts?

  1. Yes
  2. No


Which filling would you prefer?

  1. Honeycomb
  2. Smarties
  3. Caramel
  4. Wafer


As you ask your family and friends for their answers, make a tally chart to keep records of your findings. Decide which ingredients would make the best chocolate bar based on your answers to your survey.

Challenge: Can you make a bar chart to show your results?


English 30.3.2020

5 Minute Move | Short energising workout for kids and schools

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Friday 27.03.20




Telling the Time Lesson 8.


In today’s lesson we are using a stopwatch to measure time in seconds. We find out that a stopwatch sometimes measure time in part of a second. Use a stopwatch on a grown-up's mobile phone to complete the in-focus task comparing the time it takes for two of you to complete simple tasks like counting and clapping. You could experiment by comparing other things like walking for a set distance or number of steps.

Worksheet 8 asks you to tell us the time recorded a number of stopwatches. You need to tell us how much time is recorded – more than and less than are required.


Timestables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes


Break- Get some fresh air or


Spelling: add the prefix dis to the words below and write five times BONUS include them in a sentence!

Like    please   agree   own   appear   obey   honest

Persuasive letter

Write a letter to Mr. Wonka explaining why you deserve to go to his factory and win a lifetime supply of chocolate. Remember to:

  •  start your letter with Dear Mr. Wonka
  • Organise your writing into paragraphs (1 – explain why you are writing to him, 2 – explaining why you deserve to go to his factory, 3 – persuading him to give you a lifetime of chocolate and what you would do with it.
  • Include persuasive language (see the word mat)


Joe Wicks - 5 minute work out


Read your book for 15 minutes. Write a quiz about your book and ask a member of your family to read it and complete it.


Joe Wicks 30-minute work out


Design a poster to remind yourself of all the amazing things you can do. You can include as many from your list of ten as you can, but you must include at least 3 things.


Friday 27.03.20: Use this Word Mat to help you with your persuasive writing.

Friday 27.03.20: 5 Minute Move | Kids Workout 5 | The Body Coach TV

Great for all ages 35 seconds work | 25 seconds rest Star Jumps Squats Slow Motion Burpees Touch Toes Touch The Sky Ski Jumps

Friday - PSHCE - I Can Do It!

Thursday 26.03.2020





Telling the Time Lesson 7

Today we are learning to tell the time using an analogue clock face with Roman numerals. The video clip recaps the Roman numerals that we see and their position on the clock and using the pictures to help us complete the time writing it as am or pm. Remember to write the full time and not just am or pm!


Timestables Rockstar’s – play for 15 minutes


Break- Get some fresh air or


Presenting your sweet

You are going to present your new invention to Willy Wonka. Use the questions below to help you prepare your presentation and write your speech. Make sure you have a good design and a memorable pitch. When you have finished video your presentation and upload / send your video to Class Dojo for us to judge! Good luck!


  • Name of the sweet
  • sweets particular function
  • why people will buy it

SPAG: read and write the sentences in your book and circle the verbs.

1.Covering his chin. There was a small, neat, pointed black beard.

2.Outside the gates, enormous crowds of people had gathered to watch the

five lucky ticket holders.

3.‘And what a marvellous smell!’ answered Charlie.

4.There were green meadows on either side of the valley, and along the

bottom of it there flowed a great brown river.


Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out


Read your school book for 15 minutes. Choose five new words find out the meaning and write a sentence for each one.


Look online at chocolate wrapper designs.

Look at:

  • Colours
  • Font style
  • Pictures
  • Slogans
  • Patterns

Design your own chocolate bar wrapper. Draw it in your home learning book. Think about what you liked when you tasted chocolates on Monday. Perhaps some of this will appear on your wrapper?

Can you blend colours and use your shading techniques from when we drew eyes to make it look more realistic?

Music- use your Charanga logins

Click on the lessons set by Mrs Gallimore or explore the worlds that you have access to! Have a fantastic time!!

 Wednesday 25.03.2020




Telling the time Lesson 6.

We’re using travel as the theme in today's lesson for in focus and looking at analogue and digital clocks to help us understand when travel times are. We are learning about telling the time using 24-hour clocks. Remember, as we go past 12pm we count on each hour, so 1pm would be 13:00, 2pm would be 14:00 and so on. If the time is in the am (morning) you would write 09:45 for 9:45am.

Worksheet 6 asks you to tell us the time using am or pm and the 24-hour clock with examples to help you.


Follow the videos helping you to work out the time and use the pictures from our Maths No Problem books and complete the worksheet questions (sent in Dojo) in your exercise books. Don’t forget to Dojo your teacher your work and ask any questions too.

Timetables Rockstar's – play for 15 minutes

Break- Get some fresh air or


Spelling: add the prefix un to the words below and practice writing 5 times.

Happy   lucky    seen    usual    do   tie    zip   dress


Persuasive packaging

An inventive product like yours deserves some exciting packaging!  Design your packaging making it exciting and eye-catching. Make sure the name is clear and the design is eye-catching. Remember to include tempting verbs and adjectives you persuade the reader to buy your product. (Use your ideas from the advert we created in school)

Lunch - Joe Wicks 8 minute work out

Reading – 15 minutes

Read your favourite book. Write about who your favourite character is and why.


Science – What makes things float?

Today we are going to continue our investigation of forces. This time it is buoyancy or up-thrust (the force that combined with gravity, makes things float or sink).

This BBC Bitesize clip gives you a summary of what buoyancy is and Mocomi go into more detail. Our activity today is to use this knowledge to make your own floating vessel!


The experiment requires something that you can make into a boat (the clip will help you, as will your knowledge of what they look like). You can use play-doh, plasticine, bluetak or even kitchen foil. You must be able to shape it to look like a boat. You’ll need some passengers for your boat as well, I chose Lego folk! Don’t forget to take pictures of you making and testing your boats!


RE - Week 1

Go through the lesson below and then design your own Easter Egg box in your work book 

RE Week 1 Easter Egg Design

Tuesday 24th March 2020

English 24.3.2020

Active 8 Minute Workout 3 | The Body Coach TV

Great for all ages 35 seconds work | 25 seconds rest Walkouts (with Shoulder Taps If You Can) Lateral Squats Running On The Spot Side Lunges Plank In & Out S...

Monday 23rd March - home learning

Active 8 Minute Workout 1 | The Body Coach TV

Great for all ages 35 seconds work | 25 seconds rest Squats Running On The Spot Lunge Floor Touches Climb The Rope Knees To Elbow Frog Jumps Slow Motion Burp...
