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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn


Autumn 2 - Science


We will be learning about the Science topic 'Forces and Magnets' this half term. We will learn about what a force is and explore different types of forces. We will then move on to learning about magnets and how they can attract and repel. To explore magnets further, we will be carrying out a Scientific experiment to identify magnetic materials. This will help to develop our Science enquiry skills of prediction, creating a method, data collection and analysis, as well as learning how to conclude and evaluate an experiment.

Autumn 1 - Science


We will be learning about the Science topic 'Animals including humans' this half term. We will focus on animals this half term, learning about the purpose of skeletons and understanding the differences between different types of skeletons. We will then explore how muscles work and how they differ between animals. We will work on improving our scientific research skills, exploring different sources of information and evaluating their usefulness. Science isn't limited to experiments - children will be encouraged to become researchers and presenters of the results of their research. 

Sticky Knowledge Mats
