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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Autumn Term 1

100% Attendance Autumn Term 1

25.10.24 Value Award Winners - CONFIDENCE

Design & Technology - Chicken & Vegetables Skewers

English - Second Independent Write of the year!

Bikeability Certificate Presentation in Assembly

18.10.24 Resilience Award Winners

Art - Clay leaves and flowers

Bikeability Level 2 - Keeping safe on the roads

NEW Trim Trail!

English - Rainbow Grammar

Bikeability Level 1 - Cycle confidence and technique

11.10.24 CREATIVITY Award Winners

Art - Practicing creating our clay leaves

P.E - Practicing our throwing techniques and skills this afternoon - mini javelin, shotput and chest passes!

Topic - Similarities and differences between the Amazon Rainforest and Rio de Janerio

4.10.24 RESPONSIBILITY Award Winners

Handwriting - Beautifully neat handwriting shown as Otters write-up their independent writes for display

English - Group work on analysing character traits, from our book 'the Explorer'

27.9.24 PRIDE Award Winners

Zones of Regulation - Which emotion fits best into which zone

English - amazing focus and concentration during our independent write session!

Still image for this video

20.9.24 ASPIRATION Award Winners

Our 1st swimming session of the year!

Art - The effect of light on pencil drawings of plants and leaves

1st Forest School Session of Year 5!

Maths - Otters hard at work independently looking at place value up to 1,000,000

Gym Fitness - Elevating those heart-rates & strengthening those cores!

Otters Class Councillors 2024-25

Computing - How do 'systems' work?

Topic - What Products come from the Rainforest?

PE - Fitness and Skill lesson
